Prior Yuan Ying Zhou Hong!

 Aura storm was sweeping through the entire Poison Prison Valley!

 From the land of the altar, there is a rush of cultivation release!

 Those Poison Prison Valley disciples, when this aftermath hit, all of them changed their faces, and many people with insufficient cultivation were vomiting at this wave.

 Even the elders of Jie Dan Poison Prison Valley, seeing what happened at this altar, were shocked and overwhelmed.

 The group of Poison Prison Valley elders and disciples are very tangled at the moment.

 Attack? Or not?!

 However, if they look at this situation, if they rush up, they may not be killed by the person who is her for troubles. Instead, they will be destroyed by the owner of the valley. After all, it seems that the latter is more likely.

 At the same time, above the altar.

 The entire black stone altar, at this moment, has a dense crack, as if it is going to collapse at any time.