Zhao Ye river! Mountain of Flowers and Fruit! Dream Monster!

 In the Qin's Building, the employees in the upper and lower departments are still working overtime to get the group back to normal operation as soon as possible.

 As for Hu Chen, who is doing ostrich in the president's office, no one is going to take care of it, let him be cool there.

 At the moment, the top floor of the chairman's office.

 Qin Feng stood at the door of the lounge and looked at Nangong Yiren who was sleeping in bed and gently covered the door.

 Heavenly lady 's ability to self-repair is extremely powerful, and there is no need to do anything. Just let Nangong Yiren sleep well, and tomorrow morning, everything will be restored.

 When he came to the meeting area and sat on this sofa, Qin Feng lit a cigarette and quietly looked at the coastal night scene outside the falling window.

 Compared with Jiangzhou, this Binhai city night scene is more prosperous and brighter, with neon lights flashing and driving like a dragon.