A Yuan Yin about to die

 Smoke and dust swept all over the sky!

 A cultivation storm emerged from the center of this Dan field. Even the cloud that surged in the sky was stirred up under the cultivation storm.

 The mad winds, the eight sides are scattered!

 Many of the cultivators that had been turned over by the waves were just trying to stand up. However, before they stood up completely, the violent wind caused by this cultivation storm was coming in. These people were once again flying hundreds of meters.

 Within a few kilometers of the entire Dan field, everyone is flying in the wind, whether it is qi cultivator, foundation, or Jie Dan!

 There is only one place that stands still.

 In front of the statue of Dan vessel, Qin Feng 's golden cudgel inserted on the ground, a golden light shrouded him and Yun Ling behind him, and Ouyang Changyi's body.

 Under the guise of this ancient golden light, it does not move.