Take the road to ruin

    On the east side of Xuan Dao Tai, a group of elders from Kunlun Mountain gathered here. At this time, they looked at Xuan Dao Tai and watched the performance of their disciples in the battle for swords.

    "My great disciple, the talent is very high, at the age of sixty to reach Jie Dan's middle class, the future is limitless, sky is the limit."

    Fu Yuanchao looked at Su'an and said with praise.


    At his side, the wine madman grinned and raised his hand and patted Fu Yuanchao's shoulder: "In my opinion, as far as my eyesight is concerned, the ass of your big disciple is probably not as white as the second one."

    When the words came out, Fu Yuanchao suddenly had a black face! He really knows to touch the tender spot.

    "Lu drunkard, do you really want to fight?! "

    "Oh? It happened that you guessed it! "