Arrogant Mo Xiong!

  " Yuan Yin, it's really Yuan Yin !"

  Among the cultivators, Gongsun looked at Moxiong above jade platform, feeling the storm of spirituality sweeping around him, feeling the pressure that he had never felt before, and his heart be like a huge stone.

  It's hard to breathe for a long time.

  He knows that Qin Feng is capable of anything and knows that the strength of Qin Feng cannot be determined according to the cultivation.


  Yuan Yin!

  This is Yuan Yin!

  This is a mythical realm in Yun Shui world!

  It has been a hundred years, the sword master of Kunlun Mountain is not present, in this case, Jiuzhou cultivators simply do not know how Yuan Yin exists.

  Many of the cultivators here, even the Jie Dan cultivator, are the first time in this life to see what Yuan Yin is.

  Because they have seen Han Xiu, but they have never felt the pressure of Yuan Yin!

  And now, they feel it!