A sword with no regret!

    At the bottom of the deep sea, as dark as ink, opaque.

    Only a few sounds of water echoed.

    In addition, 'hoo...he...'hoo... Hoo...' A breathing sound, a slight reverberation under this water.


    Qin Feng stood on the edge, looking at the exposed half of his head, his brow slightly wrinkled.

    He doesn't know why, when he saw this tortoise head, he subconsciously thought of the previous battle at Xianling College, the Tian Xin Tong Lord's star-shaped body!

    That tortoise, will it be related to this tortoise under his feet?

    "There is no soul but he has body."

    Qin Feng's eyes burned with the flame, Under the soles of the feet of the tortoise, its everything is clear.

    From the old tortoise body under the feet, Qin Feng could not detect the existence of the soul.