Giants landed in Liangzhou, Mengshan!


  "Monster?! "

  "This big guy really fell from the sky!"

  "Is it the end of the world?! "

  "Monsters have appeared, is there a giant of light to save us?! "

  "mom… I am scared! "


  Jiuzhou land, billions of mortals, almost all saw the giant who fell from the sky.

  That kind of shock, directly hitting the visual impact in the depths of people's hearts.

  Panic, fear, death, and uneasiness are spreading everywhere in the world like a plague. In just a few minutes, the world is in chaos.

  However, this kind of chaos only lasted for five minutes.

  A command came from Celestial City and went to Jiuzhou, which conveyed the various alliances scattered in Jiuzhou, and the order of the alliance was quickly released to the various Immortal League Lodges.

  The sixth minute is coming.