Real War between Qin Feng, Yang Jian!

  "What was my brother saying to the giant just now?"

  "This giant has become a mountain!"

  "It's amazing ..."

  On the somersault cloud in the distance, Qin Chuxue sometimes expressed doubts and wonder, but none of the people around her could answer her questions.

  Even the big black dog, the only royal family of Nine-Tail Wolf who has inherited the Tuntian Holy Pearl and knows many strange things in the world, has doubts in his eyes at this time.

  He didn't look at Gu Shantong, after all, Gu Shan gens, he also heard of, not surprisingly, he just looked at Qin Feng, he just can't see through.

  "What exactly is the origin of this Kitchen Knife Feng?"

  Muttering to himself, he felt more and more that Qin Feng was mysterious and not ordinary.

  Gu Shantong gave his ancient mountain beads to Qin Feng, The figure turned into a mountain of three hundred thousand feet, completely deserted.