Blood Debt Repayment! Destroy!

   The 80,000 Kunlun disciples, scattered in all directions in Kunlun, are heading towards the main peak.

    At this moment, it has already spanned hundreds of thousands of feet.

    However, at this moment...

    As the sound of three dragons singing resounded through the continuous mountains, all Kunlun disciples subconsciously stopped and looked at the direction of the main peak one by one.

    There are three giant dragons, which suddenly appear in this world.

    On the left, the whole body was red and the candle flickered.

    This is Zhu Dragon.

    On the right, the pale dragon scales were with a pair of huge wings, and the wings spread out to cover the sky.

    This is Ying Dragon.

    In the middle, it was extremely dark, and at first glance, it seems as if the soul had been taken away.

    Black dragon!

    Three Dragon Souls come out!
