Deep sleep

    In the dream of Mountain of Flowers and Fruit constructed by Dream Monster.

    The sky is high, the wind is light, the mountains are green and the water is green. The peaks one after another are full of vitality. At the top of the mountain where Qin Feng and Yi Jun talked about things in the past, there are three figures at the moment.

    "Qing Yu Tai, with his son Qing Yu Lie, greetings Lord dream monster."

    Qing Yutai and Qing Yulie, the father and son respectfully bowed to Yi Jun in front of them.

    Fog white robe, black hair with jade crown, face is very handsome, phoenix eye, thin lips, rare even more than women, this is Dream Monster Yi Jun.

    Not to mention Yi Jun's own powerful strength, the Dream Monster of that year was responsible for all the intelligence collection under the Monkey King. The status is comparable to that of the ''counselor Fengyou", which is the confidant of Monkey King.