
    The cigarette, in the corner of Qin Feng , is burning with red light.

    Fang Yi, a few girls behind Qin Feng, looked at Qin Feng's back admiringly at this time.

    Women all admire the strong and heroes. In their hearts, Qin Feng is the absolute strong and the hero who saves the world.

    Chang Yong, kneeling in front of Qin Feng, lowered his head at this time, with cold sweat falling from his wrinkled forehead. He saw the young leader's elegant demeanor with his own eyes in Celestial City and killed Yu Su lord.

    He is clear that the temper of his lord. It is absolutely decisive. His powerful strength is enough to wave itself into bean curd.


    Qin Feng smoked, and the scorpion looked faintly to Gan Chenyu, just a very simple word.

    As soon as the words came out, the kneeling group of people did not react. They were shocked by the power of Qin Feng.