In the Name of Dongxu, Offering Nine Ghosts Immortal!

  The sword of Heaven and Earth Sword was transported and turned into a decaying old man in the shape of a mature man. The crazy face was clearly reflected in Qin Feng 's eyes.

    His actions also fell into Qin Feng 's eyes, with one move and one style ... all very clear!

    Golden fire eyes flickered in the eyes, Qin Feng's pupils shrank sharply!

    Vulnerable, found!


    At this moment, in the place of Dan Tian Yuan Yin in his body, the vast spiritual power in that ancient mountain beads rushed out, and he was half taken away in an instant, all of which disappeared into Yuan Yin of Qin Feng.

    Yuan Yin … dazzling light!

    Just at this moment!

    Qin Feng 's cultivation was actually from Yuan Yin middle, which instantly passed Yuan Yin's top grade and directly jumped to the top of Yuan Yin!

    cultivation turned into a storm!