Powerful Style!

    The wind shrouded clouds, the sky above.

    Hundreds of streamers passed through the gates, and when the light faded away, they were all Heavenly Soldiers wearing silver armor, wearing silver helmets, with a look of destruction.

    Heavenly Soldier appeared but did not move at all.

    At this moment, the Heavenly Soldiers behind He Hai are all confused, because when entering Yun Shui world, He Hai didn't order them to search, and he didn't say a word.

    Instead, there was a bit of interest in his eyes, looking at the center of this Yun Shui world.

    "Centurion, we ..."

    There was a decurion curious about what He Hai was about to do, and arched a little, and wanted to ask.

    The so-called decurion is a captain who leads the ten Heavenly Soldiers, which is the lowest military grade in the Heavenly Soldier system.

    "Just look at it."