Four Dragon Souls!

    The cold eyes opened slowly, and the bright broadsword light coming from the sky came into his eyes.

    Huang Hao's roar came from this broadsword light, and there was desperate madness in those eyes!

    Between the two, there is only a short distance of one thousand feet at this moment, spanning thousands of feet, the cultivation in Sanctify realm is just a blink of an eye.

    "Kill kill kill !!!"

    The hysterical roar shook the sky, Huang Hao was already scared to the extreme, and it was also crazy to the extreme!

    His face went red, his veins burst!

    One size fits all!

    This broadsword is all he has. Winning is glorious and wealthy, losing is soulless! Net worth lives, in this one stroke, how can he not be crazy!


    At this moment, when that broadsword light was about to fall on Qin Feng.

    The sounds of four different dragon chants resounded instantly.