Why she left me?

Liang reached home at night one clock. He entered the home, and the butler came asked, "Welcome, Young master, Have you finished your dinner?"

Liang said, "Already I ate. Prepare a bath for me."

The butler said, "Your mother is waiting for you in upstairs."

He said, "Okay, I take care."

He went upstairs, and his mother was sitting on the sofa and read the magazine.

He saw his mother and asked, "Mom, Why are you waiting for me?"

She asked, "Why did you come late?"

He said, "I have much work."

She asked, "What kind of work?"

He said, "Mom, I am so tired. We speak tomorrow. I am going to bed." and he turned back to go his room.

She yelled, "Because of her, you lost your serenity."

He stopped and turned back to see her calmy.

She said, "I planned the marriage for you. My friend's daughter. I arrange the blind date for you tomorrow's lunch."

He saw her few seconds and left that place.

He went to his room, removed his dress, took the towel, and went to the bathroom.

The hot water was ready for him. He sat on the tub, laid on, and closed her eyes.

The first time, he met Jei in the restaurant for lunch.

He went to the restaurant and saw her. His secretary told him she was waiting for two hours in the hotel.

He came towards her and sat on the chair. She was nerved to meet him. She stood up and said with a smile, "Welcome, Mr. Liang."

He raised his hand upwards to stop her speech, and she saw him and his secretary. His secretary gave one file to her. She got the file from him and asked, "What is it?"

His secretary said, "Ms. Jei, It contains the details about Mr. Liang, his likes and dislikes. First, you read it, and you have any doubts. Please contact me."

She drunk the glass of water and wiped her mouth.

She saw and said, "I am nerves to meet you." But no reply from him.

She said to his secretary with a smile, "I don't want that file. After marriage, I learn to know about him."

He stood up and said, "I don't have time to lunch with you."

She said with a grin, "Okay. But don't skip your lunch. Take care."

He walked towards the door, and the secretary said, "I think she is a kind-hearted girl."

He stared at him and said, "Prepare lunch for me."

He opened her eyes and thought, "What happened here? Why she left me? Why? Why? Why?"

He stood up from the bathtub, and He wore the towel around his waist.

He stood in front of the mirror and thought about her.

He heard her voice in his mind.

She said, "I want only girl baby. So I drew that picture. How is it?"

He left the bathroom and went to saw that picture on the wall, but the picture was not there, and he thought, "Where is that picture?"

He called with a loud voice, "The butler Xiu."

The butler came and asked with a low voice, "Young master, What happened?"

He said, "That picture, Where is it?"

The butler said, "Young Master, you forgot that"

He asked, "What?"

The butler said, "Three months ago, the Young mistress came to the house with anger, and she pulled to pieces that picture."

He asked, "Which day?"

The butler said, "I think she came to know you had two daughters."

He thought, "No, that's not true."

He said, "You go." The butler bowed and left that place.

He wore his nightdress and went to bed.