Two months later
In the morning, Mei got ready to go to the office. Her aunt Ye Si watched her attitude in a month, and she totally changed, Now she looked like Jei.
In the home, everyone could not forget Jei because of Mei's attitude and behavior.
She thought, "Why she changed like Jei?"
"Because of her, the company's goes in a good way."
The aunt came and saw Mei's dad in the dining table; he smiled and welcomed her. Both were watching Mei's attitude in the table.
Mei came to the dining hall to eat breakfast, and she got the call from the office. So she skipped breakfast to go to the office.
Her father called "Mei." She stopped and turned around to see her father. She smiled, "Hi, Dad."
He ordered, "Sit, I want to speak with you."
She sat slowly, and the maid came to serve breakfast for all. They started to eat breakfast, and Mei took fastly.
Her father said, "Mei, eat slow."
She said, "Dad, I have a lot of work, and I need to go."
The aunt said, "so what, you skipped your meals.". Mei could not speak anything, and she ate slowly.
Her father said, "my old friend invited our family to attend her daughter's birthday. You must go and attend a party with your cousin."
Mei said with a begging tone, "Dad, I can't go."
The aunt Ye Si said, "Mei, you must attend, and It will help you to get new friends in company circle."
Mei said, "Okay, I am going."
The aunt holds her hands and said, "Come home early. I prepare for the party dress."
Mei said, "Thank you." and she left to go to the office.
In Xin's family villa, Liang came to sit in the dining hall for breakfast. Her mother came and said, "Today, you arrive early. "
Liang saw her mother and asked, "Why?"
His father, Tao, said, "It's your mom's idea, today we go attend the family function in Ning's family."
His mother put her hands on his shoulder and said, "Already, you met Ning's daughter, and both went to blind date also."
He said, "Okay, I come."
His mother, "Good Liang."
He finished his breakfast and got ready to go to the office.
Kwan watched her conversion and thought, "Another one. What an unlucky girl." She smiled to see Liang.
His mother saw her Kwan and called "Kwan."
She stared at Kwan and said, "What are you doing here?"
Kwan said, "I came for breakfast."
His mother, Ai, thought, "Wait, One day, I kick you from my house."
Kwan thought, "Wait, How I kick you from this house ?"