Chapter 4 : Princess Hazel

After encountering the thunder squad, the group immediately dispersed to the palace. On the way, Zelal kept staring at his brother and thought about his earlier actions . He looked at Usui with worry on his face, Usui on noticing his brother's look smirked knowing why his brother had a worried expression.

On seeing the smirk, Zelal was sure that the plans their mother made will fail for sure. He silently prayed,' Mother.. please don't die from the surprised attacks your elder son is going to give you.' After a second, he silently added, 'Don't kill me because I couldn't stop it from happening.'

As they troop reached the palace, they were mesmerized with the beauty of the place. There was a garden on one side with lots of medicinal herbs and flowers and a fountain on the middle decorated with flowers and lights. They saw stairs leading to the inner palace ,on each side, and that the stairs were made of crystals. When arrived on top of the stairs, they saw lot of people walking to the banquet. They could clearly see the excitement on every royals who all only had a single thought about impressing the princess, that they failed to notice the glances of the maids and soldiers present.

Usui ,on noticing their glances frowned, he could clearly see the amusement in their gazes but couldn't understand why. He could hear their conversation where the maid was saying," Look at the crowd, I didn't think these many would turn up."

The soldier grinned at the maid," Well this is about our princess, it's a given that so many people would want her hand."

The maid shook her head slightly and said," It's unfortunate that..." and she couldn't finish her words when another guard came up to them.

Usui had his brows furrowed the entire time, walking towards the banquet, after hearing their conversation. He couldn't understand what the maid meant by unfortunate situation. He stopped thinking about it when his brother nudged him to greet the king and queen.

As the banquet started, Zelal was walking around, enjoying the beauty of the palace while his brother had a group surrounding him. He was glad that it was his brother who had to talk to them and not him. He admired his brother and knew that his brother was the right person for the throne.

Even though Zelal plays around a lot, he was second ,when compared to his brother, in brilliance and strength. While observing the palace, he noticed a beautiful lady in yellow standing quietly in a corner.He was stunned by her beauty and it took him a minute to recognise her.

Earlier when the commotion happened along the way to the palace, he was busy noticing his brother's actions that he didn't pay much attention to others. She didn't have that wild sexy aura Freya had instead Liz gave of the feeling of warmth . The dress Liz wore was a simple elegant dress in yellow , showing off her curves and a little clevage. Liz looked so pure like an innocent angel in this dress that Zelal couldn't stop himself from looking at her.

Noticing someone's gaze on her, Liz turned to look at his direction. Zelal on meeting her eyes, blushed a little and was about to go towards her when he saw her turn away from him and quietly left the hall. He wanted to follow her but heard his brother calling him over. He swore in his heart that he will make sure to talk to her next time , whenever that is.

Finally, it was time for the princess to arrive and the details of the competition to be known. When everyone had seated , the king sent the guard to summon the princess. There were excitement in all the royals present except for one. Zelal was praying to all the God's out there for a miracle to happen today. He didn't want to die early. The guard arrived and announced that the princess has arrived. On hearing that, everyone was glancing at the door to be opened.

A lady appeared in a gorgeous white dress, with her hair tied in a low messy bun , where few strands escaped to her face, with non existent makeup as all she needed was some light makeup to high-lighten her features. Her skin was snowy white and smooth that anyone would feel like caressing. She was like a goddess that descended from heaven. She had green emerald eyes and a smile was hanging on her lustrous lips , which made others to want to taste it.

Everyone had to agree to one thought that ,'Princess Hazel was the epitome of beauty'.