Chapter 15: Black Thunder(1)

Half an hour later, Usui still couldn't find what he wanted and thought about leaving, when he saw a subordinate rushing in, worry carved on his face, whispering in Oliver's ears.

As Oliver listened to him, his eyes widened and he turned to Usui urgently, " Boy, keep looking around. I will be back soon."

Usui nodded as he watched the pair rush out.

He slumped against a wall and tiredly rubbed his brows. He was getting tired of walking around the room, he couldn't quite find what he wanted. He chided himself thinking that his brother was right about taking rest.

He looked around and found so many boxes and some which were still covered.

He sighed, ' I should just go back to my kingdom and look for a sword.'

He stood up swaying as he held onto the wall to support himself, the wall crumbled on his weight resulting in him losing his balance and falling down.

It was then he realised that he was leaning against some boxes and not a wall.

" Damn."

He groaned when he felt the weight of boxes upon him. He struggled to get up as he pushed the boxes off him.

He got up, dusted his clothes and looked at the mess he made and couldn't help but curse at his bad luck.

" Darn it," he shouted angrily. He kicked a box nearby which bumped against another box.

Sighing, he reached out to pick the box he kicked when he noticed a silver colour box laying near it.

Curiously, he picked the box and brought it to the table. He looked at the bright sliver cover of the box and touched it. He opened the cover and the thing inside made his eyes shine.

At first glance, the blade didn't look too long or too short. The hilt, although pitch black and bold in texture, looked almost identical to a pair of wings. There appeared to be a drop-shaped, ocean blue gem between the wings, which only sprung more questions as to what the armament was capable of. The blade portion is what stood out the most – it's colour seemingly identical to the gem, almost as if it were a crystal blade altogether.

He was captivated by the sword when he heard a noise behind him and turned to see Oliver rushing back in.

" I'm sorry boy, It was an - - -"

Oliver couldn't complete his sentence as he noticed the box in the Usui's hands.

Usui kept the box aside," I want this sword."

Hesitantly, Oliver took the box from the table but let go of it the next second. Thankfully, Usui caught it in time and looked at Oliver who was busy crying over his hand.

" Ow..Ow.. my hand"

" What.. what happened?!" Usui worriedly asked.

Oliver saw Usui placing the sword on the table, it created a low thump sound. He gaped at him," How can you lift it?"

" Heh? Why can't I lift it?" Usui answered in surprise. He couldn't understand why Oliver let go of the sword.

Oliver couldn't believe his eyes as he walked closer to Usui. Oliver touched the blade, with his left hand, " Boy, this is not something everyone can lift. "

He glanced at Oliver who was still holding his hand. He didn't believe that this light sword could give so much trouble to this bulky guy.

Looking at his doubtful eyes, Oliver encouraged him, " Well anyway, go on... try lifting it."

Usui glanced at Oliver whose eyes were sparkling. He looked like he found a treasure and waiting for his theory to be true.

Slowly, Usui gripped the hilt and felt some changes within him. He felt a little drain in his mana core.

He let go of his grip and the depleted mana was restored. He looked at the sword strangely.

Oliver stared at him, impressively, ' Could it be that he found out?'

" Boy, Why didn't you try lifting it up?"

Usui shook his head and tried again. He touched the hilt and again, he felt his mana being absorbed by the blade. Ignoring this, he tried to lift it up.

Oliver expected Usui to waver on its weight but to his utter surprise, Usui lifted it up easily, stunning Oliver.

Oliver was stunned a moment but then the surprise changed into awe - happiness- worry and finally his face paled.

Usui's lips twitched seeing different expressions darting on Oliver's face.

Seeing Oliver's face pale, Usui asked worriedly, "What's wrong? "

He shook his head and asked him to display some strikes using the sword.

Usui nodded but looked at the sword frowning, 'Stop eating away my mana, you stupid sword.'

He felt the sword whining which surprised him. He spotted a box nearby, and rushing up to it, he slashed it with all his power.

The box got slashed clean alright, but to his horror, even the ten boxes, including the shelf behind Usui's target got sliced evenly.