Chapter 27: Puppy eyes

Julian couldn't believe that his son would sell out their daughter so easily.

He watched the mother-son duo in shock and heard his wife blissfully say, "My baby is the know your mother's dreams so well.... unlike someone else." and glowered at him.

Rin looked at his father and asked," Father, you won't be against this, right? I really want my big brother to marry my sister."

Julian still couldn't believe his son would do this to him. He ignores him all the time but now, he's asking him whether he would be against his son's wishes. He was confused about whether he should be against this or to sacrifice his princess's life.

'To hell with it. It's my princess's life... I shouldn't allow this.'

He convinced himself and closed his eyes painfully, as he thought about his son's heartbroken face when he would reject his son's once in a lifetime favour.

Julian turned around seriously, " Son, I -"

He didn't complete his words when he saw his son's face... He was actually giving him the puppy eyes look... THE PUPPY EYES...

His conviction failed him as he immediately patted his son's head and changed course, "Sure son...if you are okay with him then no one would be against this." and was about to lift him up happily, when Rin changed back to being cold and buried his head in his mother's bosom.

Julian's eyebrow twitched as he looked at his outstretched hand and his son, who ignored him after getting his wish.

'Damn it. Now all my hopes lie on the guy.'

It was like Merlene read his mind, she whispered to her husband, " Even if Usui says no, Lily won't allow it.. she's excited to get Hazel as her daughter-in-law."

He closed his eyes painfully as he slapped himself mentally, ' How could he forget that the brat's mother and his wife were best friends?'

He lost all his hope in keeping his daughter safe from that brat and his heart pained for his daughter. ' My princess, forgive your father for falling for your brother's charms.'


As the king and queen settled down, the spokesman walked to the centre and announced, "Welcome everyone to the last day of the competition. I'm sure everyone has been looking forward to this battle. This battle would decide on our dear princess's future."

The crowd cheered for the spokesman as he talked, Usui who was watching the royal members asked his brother, "Where is the princess? She isn't here among the rest."

Zelal nudged his brother as he smirked, "Oh my!! Does my brother miss seeing her beautiful face?"

Frowning, Usui glared at his brother who quietened down and answered to his earlier question as he glanced at the platform.

"Ah... that's right, she isn't here to watch the final outcome."

Usui didn't think too much when he noticed her absence in the first two rounds but he thought she would be present in the last round.

'Well, wouldn't anyone be interested in knowing their future husband's battle prowess?'

"I thought it was just a rumour but I guess it's true." Zelal sighed

Usui, on hearing him, looked at his brother curiously.

"It was a rumour that spread throughout the palace that a priest announced that the princess had to marry soon lest a demise falls upon them. The ministers hastened their decision to marry off the princess but due to his majesty being stubborn, they arranged the competition. And, at that moment the princess was away from the palace and heard about this, only when she returned from the Royal Magic academy during her break. She was enraged when she heard about the decision and wanted to revoke the order but the invitations were already sent out."

"A priest said what again?" Usui was dumbfounded as he heard the reason and pitied the princess.

Zelal shrugged as Usui kept asking him, "And marriage would solve it? What then ****?"

"I know... I know... It doesn't match up...but that's what going around the palace now." Zelal calmed his brother down.

He leaned in and whispered to Usui, "Its strange that a priest appeared and announced this suddenly. It doesn't match at all, it's an enigma."

Usui rubbed his chin as he thought deeply but was disturbed when he heard his brother humming as he glimpsed at Liz regularly.

Usui smirked as he asked him suspiciously, "And, how did you come across this information?"

Zelal chuckled lightly while rubbing his chin, "Haha... A maid willingly shared this information with me."

Usui nodded his head seriously, "A maid who climbed onto your bed, who fell for your charms... huh?"

"Wha-- what are you talking about?" Zelal gagged his brother and nervously looked around to detect any snooping ears.

He was relieved when he found no one listening on them and let his brother free while he patted his chest as he mumbled softly, 'God... I wouldn't know what to do if Liz heard this.'

Usui looked at his brother fidgeting and leered at him, " You talk as if Liz is your fiancée already. You have a long way to go before you can get her."

Zelal stuck his tongue out at him as he grieved about his situation.

Usui chortled, " It would be near to impossible if she hears about your night endeavours."

Zelal stood up as he defended himself, "She came inside my room to replace the bedsheets and was flirting. She came onto me, okay? Since she came for me, I asked her a few questions and when she started taking off her clothes, I pushed her out of the room. That's it... I did not hit on her. Hell! I didn't even touch her."

Usui raised both of his hands as he tried to pacify his brother, "Okay..stop panicking...I was just teasing you, idiot."

"Bro, please don't tease like that... it will give me a heart attack." Zelal sighed as he flopped onto his seat.

Usui patted his brother's shoulders and turned to the spokesman who announced, "Let us call forth the candidates to their positions."