Chapter 147: Nagging feeling

Crystal Kingdom

Standing in his room, Usui was bending over a paper with his fingers tapping the table. Suddenly he stopped what he was doing and frowned hard. He rubbed his forehead tiredly before looking out of the huge window in his room.

He pressed his lips as he gazed at the night sky. He didn't know why but he was feeling very restless. As if he was about to lose something. 

He couldn't stop the uneasiness seeping into his body. 


On seeing Usui's restlessness, Zelal sighed for the zillionth time and said, "She is okay, brother. I'm sure she is all safe within her academy walls unlike us."

Usui threw a glare at his brother who shrugged, "What? we are the ones under attack and you are worrying over her, who is safe within those walls."

Usui pinched his glabella as he knew how right Zelal was but something told him that she isn't safe.

"Zeke, I think you need to worry about them first"