Opening ceremony

Mother 1003 arrives. "children, do you best at school today! Remember that I'll pick you up at 6pm," it says before waving goodbye and leaving. The children stay by the entrance of follow older children that they know. A bell's ring blares throughout the the institution followed by an announcement echoing throughout every nook and cranny of the buildings and plaza: "New students heath to the clock tower's hall on the first floor. The rest of the students please head to your designated areas for any announcements." Following the announcement, Little Bee and Vail head to the large clock tower. The clock tower's first floor is an open space supported by pillars rather than walls and at its center is a raised stage. At the stage, with smiling eyes that don't reach his eyes and a very long wiry beard that is braided in an attempt to make it tidy, a man sits petting his pointy ears while the other hand caresses a tail wrapped about him. Breaking into a thin smile, he dully welcomes the students without waiting for all students to gather "Welcome to Sunset City Academy! You probably have a lot of question. " He nods seeming to understand their worries and continues, "but please direct those questions to your proctors. As new students you have to come to adapt to the Academy quickly if don't want to fall behind. Only then can you be the best of the best. As part 31st century and part of a glorious city like Sunset City, you are endowed with a responsibility to build cogs and mech parts for the floating Citi-I mean for the rest of society to continue functioning. Even more importantly, you have a responsibility to uphold if you choose or have parents that are field hands! Their glorious exploits make Sunset City the number one ranking city in the desert lands! Who knows one day you may have enough credits to be in my place or move out of Ti-Sunset City! That's all! Ah-matte... Follow the guides to your designated classroom. Lets see what else...Oh, yeah! I am yours truly Supervisor Kang." Finishing his speech, he turn to his an expressionless lady lacking any extra limbs or other. He clings to her complaining, "Phew...that was a lot." "Supervisor Kang, please wait until you have reached the monitor room."

Pouting, he looks up at her, "Taria S-1924, don't be mean. You care more about them or me?"

"Question is not within my programing," the lady, Taria S-1924, says scrunching up her face. Leading him away, he continues to chatter about his ordeal as the supervisor. The students are stunned for while but soon the guides come on stage. The guides that are mini lighthouses shine there light displaying a list of numbers. Little Bee looks at the list of numbers. Vail points, "Look! Thats my room number!" signaling a guide at the south of the stage. Many other hurriedly come to an understanding. Little Bee following Vail's finger sees the sting of number followed by a color and a letter. "We are in the same class!" Little be choruses along with other children throughout the hall.