Ki Unification

Day 12!

[ 'Minotaur Soldier' lv.93 ]

[ You have absorbed the blood essence of a corrupted 'Minotaur Soldier', purification in progress… ]

[ You have received 126,266 EP! ]

[ You have leveled up! ]

[ You have reached level 67! ]

{ TARGET 84/100 }


Thanks to my latest advancement, I was able to progress at breakneck speed, achieving the required pace, with only 8 gates at each side left to conquer!

Of course, that also meant that I would have less high leveled & high numbered enemies, so I had to make the most use of the last 16 gates within the shortest period possible…


Day 14...

[ You have leveled up! ]

[ You have reached level 69! ]

{ TARGET 98/100 }

'Last two!'