

'Could it be that jinxing is real?!'

"We finally found one of those special 'Demon Caves'..."

Just one day and a half into my rest period, I was asked to go to the head's room for something important, and while I was sad about my lazing time getting cut, it was actually better as I wouldn't have to wander around aimlessly searching for the Two-floor gates…

'So these are those who would join my exploration…?'

I looked around to see a moderately muscle man with a greatsword on his back, a slim woman who seemed to have a presence similar to the wind, and surprisingly the little 'Storm-Bringer' girl, Ellona.

"But we didn't find it on our own…"

"What do you mean…?"

"We received a report that a 'Demon Cave' that appeared out of nowhere has erupted and several 'Demons' that have similar features to the one you left here before…"

'As expected… so that was their plan…?'