Tragic Past

"Oh, young hero! Why are you not enjoying our humble banquet, is it not to your liking…?"

"You can drop the young hero thing, just call me Lan. Actually, I want to ask you the same question…"

"Then I won't hold back, Sir Lan, I'm just not too hungry at the moment…"

"No need to add Sir… Whatever I guess… I have a few things I would like to ask you about…"

"No need to hold back, Sir Lan, just ask away!"

"Alright then… How much do you know about the sects' annual recruitment…"


The old village chief suddenly let out a cry of surprise as an interesting expression appeared on his face...


It was the expression of 'I knew this would happen, but that's just too fast' which would normally be hard to read, but I somehow managed to interpret it that way.