The 'Ranking'

"This year's tournament seems to be quite the catch…"

"Yeah, three recruitees managed to climb up to the top ten and one of them is in the top fifteen, back then it would be quite good if one evn entered the top twenty…"

"It's not that strange though, two of the ones who managed to reach the top ten seems to be both sword wielders and dual element holders, they seem to have the same elements as well…"

"I know right, that's quite shocking! It's even more so when you realize they didn't come together…"

"The earth element master also seems to be quite strong for a pure elemental practitioner, these three should be able to get quite a high ranking even within the top ten!"

"Let's wait and see first, there is also that sect member from the 'Elemental Blade Sect' who seems to be quite dangerous in his own way…"

"Ah, that's right, I almost forgot about him…"
