The Bewitching Mark

"Ok, ok, we will listen to your dark past later, but we have more important stuff to discuss for now…" I waved my hand as I said…

While I was somewhat interested in hearing the story of how he was approached by the demons and how he ended up being the 'Corruption Processor' of this base, it wasn't exactly the time to do that now, at least everything could be postponed till we were out of this demon base…

After all, such a huge occurence like the 'Demonic Sovereign Sacrifice' has taken place here, who knew if it somehow acted as an alert to other demons or maybe opened some portal to another base… After witnessing this witchcraft method, it was hard to believe that everything was truly in my grasp…

"Huh? Who said I wanted to tell you anything to begin with?! I was just trying to be transparent so that you would stop oppressing me with that strange ability of yours…" the sprout human rolled his eyes once again, trying to act as if he was forced to do so…