Do I Get A Prize?

The five snakes of different colors jumped off the white haired young woman's hands, floating in the air as if they had wings of their own before they sprung towards the spiral-horned demon before them as if they were arrows that just took flight!

'This got to be some sort of temporary disruption, everything should go back to how it is if I hold on for a few more seconds!'

A wave of determination quickly took over the demon's despairing expression as he raised a wall of black soil in front of him to parry the hideous looking snakes.

While it was obviously much weaker than the walls of lava that he has been using so far, with how much he concentrated his corrupted earth element in it, the demon believed it would be able to hold off… at least until his connection was back to normal.


Weak whispering hisses could be heard from the lively snakes as they straightforwardly burrowed into the black earthen wall.