Change Of Plans?

{Hello? Hello…? Is the connection back yet?}

Regardless of how strange he seemed to speak, I was nonetheless happy to hear the voice which I had previously found a bit annoying.

As the final target of the search journey that I was planning to set off for soon enough, being able to talk with the Dragon Ancestor once again was obviously a very unexpected surprise yet also a very welcome one!

Fate was truly mysterious, one could go seeking something only to find another. The quick change of events that had taken place when I was just here in search of a book was truly astonishing.

Not only was I able to receive another rare chance of evolution, but it seemed like I also would be able to save a great deal of time as I no longer had to wander the Nature Domain in search of another mythical dragon…

Naturally, the first thing that needed to be checked was whether I could communicate back or not.

'I think so…?'