Achievements On The Door of The Fifth Cycle

[ You have absorbed the blood essence of a 'Whack Mole', purification in progress… ]

[ You have obtained 98,899 EP! ]

[ You have leveled up! ]

[ You have reached level 121! ]

'Is this supposed to be a coincidence…?'

Just as I jumped into the 37th mini-gate and killed the first mole inside, the notification that I had been waiting for suddenly sounded out in my mind.

Although I was both elated by the level increase and terrified of the ever-increasing amount of EP needed per level, I still noticed the strange coincidence of having leveled up just at the start of the fifth cycle of nines.

Moreover, that wasn't the only thing that made the coincidence seem ridiculous to me. Other than the level up the mole presented me with, he also died with almost no excessive force at all!

Although it wasn't perfect yet, I was at least sure that I would be able to reach the optimal amount of strength and speed by the end of this mini-gate!