CH. 7 Revenge Part 2

(Music: Ao no Exoricist - Movie Ost 'Kekkai)

As they went through the forest, Haruka and the army of sorrow heard something. "Hahaha!" "We gain a lot this time!" "That village is so weak!" Haruka looks at the direction of the voice. She found a group of hundred bandits together and they are partying. Haruka turned around and saw the fear on the face of the soul, corpse, spirit, and ghost. Haruka went back on her skeleton cart and play her zither again, but now it's a different tune. She played {Seven Sound of Sin: Wraith - Song of Anger}.

Haruka starts playing the song, and she starts releasing a huge amount of dark aura from her body. This could be described as a demonic art. The soul, spirit, corpse, and ghost start howling in anger. "GO," said Haruka and army of dead rushed out from the forest to the Bandit. Screams of helping could be heard as the Bandit start dying slowly. Bite, scratch hit, punch, tear, and breaks were all the army of dead could do. However no matter what the Bandit did they won't die, but stand up and start the true despair.

(Music end)

A few hours later the scream dies down, the silence was the only sound in the forest. Haruka walked out of the forest and went to the center among the group of the dead.

"Ding"[Mission Complete]"Ding"

[You received: 50000 points, lottery ticket x 3, {Demonic Art: Death Manipulation}, Job: Necromancer}

[Extra Reward: Ghost Magic (Mastered)]

Haruka was shocked at the reward she had received. 'This is so op.' thought Haruka but received the reward anyway. Suddenly the army of dead start looking at Haruka. She flinched, looking around her was about sixty to seventy soul, spirit, corpse, and ghost.


[Help them pass on]

[Reward: ????, ?????, ????, 45000 point]

Haruka looked at the mission and she confused 'How am I going to help them pass on.'. Haruka remembers something, she went to her status and open on {Dance of Life and Death}.

{Dance of Life and Death: a cultivation technique which makes the user capable of communicating with spirits, ghost, or soul. This dance can be used to help them pass on.}

Haruka was happy as she got her solution. Without waiting she went into the stance and dance. Her movement was soft and smooth like a fish swimming through the river. Haruka noticed that the army of dead start to glow and some of them start to disappear with a smile on their face. Eventually, there was no one left and she finished the dance.

"Ding"[Mission Complete]"Ding"

[You received: Black Art, Bloodline, Job: Master of Death, 45000 points]

[Host dance was so beautiful that the God of Death and Goddess of Life reward you: Death God Blessing, Life Goddess Blessing]

"Ding"[Gain Title: Spirit Guide, Lady of the Night]"Ding"

"Ding"[Class Mastery mastered (Master of Death) and (Necromancer)]

[Host learn and mastered Shadow, Soul, Spirit, Dark, Ghost, Bone, and Death Magic]

[Host learned Death Aura, Fear Manipulation, Death Command, Death Wisdom, Yin-Yang Eyes, and Nightmare from Mastering Class (Master of Death)]

[Host learned Undead Control, Undead Creation, Rite of Darkness, and Curse Creation from Mastering Class (Necromancer)]

Haruka went stiff, she never thought that help a group of spirit, she would receive such profit, she starts thinking of going around the Elemental Nation and helps soul and spirit. "System shows me my status," said Haruka.



Lady of the Night - All stat buff x5 at night,

Spirit Guide - Ghost, spirit, and soul are friendly

Name: Haruka

Age: 21

Race: Human, Fox Demon

Bloodline: Ancient Magma Release, Corrosion Release, Atom Release, Heavenly Golden Demon Fox

Class: Geisha (Mastered), Chef(Mastered), Singer(Mastered), Musician(Mastered), Teacher(Mastered), Necromancer(Mastered), Master of Death(Mastered), High Enchanter

Cultivation: Sovereign - Mid Stage

Cultivation Technique: Celestial Sacred Technique, Seven Sound of Sin (5/7), Dance of Life and Death, Thirteen Wicked Poisonous Hand, Demonic Art: Death Manipulation

Skill: Cooking(Mastered), Singing(Mastered), Cleaning(Mastered), Dancing(Mastered), Sewing(Mastered), Enchantment(Mastered), Ghost Magic(Mastered), Soul Magic(Mastered), Bone Magic(Mastered), Spirit Magic(Mastered), Dark Magic(Mastered), Black Art(Beginner), Death Magic(Mastered), Shadow Magic(Mastered), Summoning Magic(Mastered), Death Aura, Fear Manipulation, Death Command, Death Wisdom, Yin-Yang Eyes, Nightmare, Undead Control, Undead Creation, Rite of Darkness, Curse Creation

Special Ability: Immortal Body, Class Mastery, God of Death Blessing, Goddess of Life Blessing,

Attributes: Fire, Lightning, Earth, Water, Wind, Yin, Yang, Yin-Yang

Chakra: 10,00,000 (Madara or Hashirama)

Magic Power: 10,000,000

Spiritual Power: 10,000,000

Health: 875600

Attack: 850000

Defense: 780670

Speed: 548000

Intelligence: 1,200,000

Wisdom: 1,000,000

Luck: 500

Willpower: 1,500,00

Killing Intent: 1,000,000

System Shop

System points: 1,351,790

Inventory: Health Potion, Life Talisman, Divine Ghost Zither, Chakra Control Manual, Uzumaki Sealing Technique, Lottery Ticket x 3

"System what is {Heavenly Golden Demon Fox}, and why is my race a Fox Demon?" Haruka noticed that there is some weird stuff in her status.

[That is the reward Host received from the mission. {Heavenly Golden Demon Fox} is a bloodline of the strongest fox demon. If the host can collect to nine tail, Host can control Gravity, Life, Death, and Space. From now on Host can switch to Hanyou Kitsune form. At the moment Host only has one tail.]

"Is that so, is there any way for me to gain the other tail?" asked Haruka

[Host could purchase eight more tail from the system at the cost of 1,200,000 points.]

Haruka immediately went stiff again, she has 1,351,790 points. However, she decided to buy it. "System purchases the others eight tail," said Haruka.

[Yes Host]

"Ding"[Purchase Complete]"Ding"

Suddenly white light surrounds Haruka as her body start to absorb the light. At first, it was warm, but Haruka screamed "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!". She felt as if her body is going to tear apart, blood leaked out of her eyes, nose, and mouth. "Girl!" Haruka heard Ibuse voice and turned to see that he was running to her. She reached her hand out, but then everything went dark.