CH. 25 Whitebeard Part 1

It has been a week since Haruka has killed Celestial Dragon and she was bored as there was nothing to do. Haruka was sitting in her seat and look at the wide blue sea as she was headed to find Silver Rayleigh.

"Suki-chan, don't run!" said Nojiko as she was running after a young woman about 18. The young woman name was Suki a slave that was caught by the Celestial Dragon. Suki was kidnap and became a slave for the Celestial Dragon from the age of 11. Seven years of torture she was saved as Mei was killing the Marine and found her.

After returning to the ship, Mei begs Haruka to keep her as it somehow makes her remember her past. Mei begs Haruka for three days and finally, she got her answer from Haruka, "Yes". Mei was happy and took Suki to her room. Suki was happy and glad that she was safe and now have a place to stay. She is also grateful to Haruka and Mei.

"Master this is the recent newspaper," said Sebas Tain and handed a newspaper to Haruka. She open and read the newspaper and something caught her attention. Sebas Tain looks at Haruka as something has caught her attention.

Wanted: Haruka

Alive or Dead

300,000,000 Beli

Haruka looks at the picture of herself in the wanted poster. She holding a book and was wearing a black robe.


[Mission Complete]

[Reward: 500,000 points, Devil Fruit]

Haruka took a Devi Fruit out of her inventory, "What Fruit is it?" asked Haruka as she never sees this fruit.

[It is the Sumi Sumi no Mi]

"Ink?" asked Haruka as she never heard of the fruit before. She carefully enters her magic into the fruit and noticed the power in the fruit was black as ink. "Suki!" said Haruka as the young woman walk toward her.

Suki was training with Nojiko and Mei because she wanted to be stronger. "What is it, Master," said Suki. Haruka handed the fruit to her. Suki was surprised at the fruit and look at Haruka, who was looking at the sea. "Thank you!" cried Suki and eat the fruit immediately.

Mei and Nojiko look at Suki as she ate the Devil Fruit. "How is it?" asked Nojiko as she knew that the taste of a Devil Fruit was horrible. Suki didn't answer, but suddenly black liquid starts to drip from her body. "Oh, so it a Logia type fruit," said Haruka looking at Suki who was trying to control the black liquid.

"Master, what fruit is it?" asked Nojiko. "It is Sumi Sumi no Mi," said Haruka. "Ink?" Nojiko looks at Suki and looks back at Haruka. "Sebas Tain takes Suki to train in drawing and sealing," said Haruka and drink her wine that Sebas Tain place it by her side.

"Yes, Master," said Sebas Tain and he took Suki to train along with Mei who follow, while Nojiko remains by Haruka side.

[Spotted Whitebeard Ship]

Haruka was shocked as she stands up immediately and looks around spotting a huge whaleship. 'Why is he here?' thought Haruka as Whitebeard is usually at New World. "Nojiko goes and gets Hundred Fruit Wine," said Haruka as the [Mystery Mist] stat to disappear. Ishida and the Terror walk toward Haruka as they sense a very strong power from Moby Dick.

"Nightmare goes by Moby Dick," said Haruka as the ship slowly turns to Whitebeard direction.


At Whitebeard Ship

Macro and the other captain was enjoying there party as Whitebeard was drinking his booze. He suddenly stands up and looks at the side holding his bisento. Macro and the other commander look at Whitebeard, "What wrong pop?" asked Macro as he looks at the side and spotted an old creepy ship sailing toward them.

Macro and the other commander was about to command to attack the ship, "Don't command them." said Whitebeard and walk to the side as the old creepy ship stop. He looks at the deck of the ship and found a woman who was dress in black and holding a whip. "Who are you!?" shouted Whitebeard as he releases his haki.

The calm sea change into a sea with a furious wave and the sky darken. "Don't get upset, Newgate." said the woman. "My name is Haruka, and I am here to fight you," said Haruka and release her haki.

Whitebeard could feel a massive pressure and a very strong haki from her. 'Royal Haki! Who is she?!' thought Whitebeard.


After a few minutes both Moby Dick and Nightmare stop at an island. Whitebeard and Haruka were at the islands as they are going to fight. Both of them knew that their battle would destroy the island.

Haruka rushed in and swing her whip at Whitebeard, as he dodged and punched out creating a crack in the air. A burst of power was sent to Haruka, however, she took her whip and swing it around herself and form a shield.

Whitebeard sends his power into his bisento and swings it at the shield, sending Haruka away crashing into the mountain. Suddenly Whitebeard jumped away as several thorns shoot out from the ground. Haruka walks out of the mountain and swings her whip causing more thorn striking at Whitebeard.

"Gekishin," said Whitebeard and cover his fist with glowing white. He punched and cause a crack int he air again, sending his power to the thorn and destroy them. Haruka dodged the attack, "Thorn Spike" said Haruka as several spikes from the whip appear and she swings her whip at Whitebeard.

"Gekishin" and Whitebeard send his attack out again and defend against the whip. Haruka knew that Whitebeard has a very strong defense and attack. Haruka chooses to focus on speed and start sending several thorns to him from the ground.

Whitebeard could defense against some of the thorns and it was increasing rapidly. He sends out his fists again and directly on the ground. Haruka jumped away as the ground explode leaving a huge hole. Both Whitebeard and Haruka knew that this battle has just started.