Chapter 6. Spirit Bathing.

Meanwhile, the Old men were brutally beaten down by the old ladies, Xiao Shi was busy in something else.

"What do you mean? That you are stopping a natural phenomenon." He asked curiously as he saw the warning from the system earlier about a phenomenon.

[Host, in this world when a child with Devine aura is born it will cause a natural phenomenon which can be seen all over the Continent, it is a sign that a Devine Body is born in this world.

As Devine Bodies are highly sought after by the bigger sects, and are also legendary grade Cultivation Material for Evil Sects out there, this natural phenomenon is hard to go unnoticed.

And in your case it is little different as the Devine spirit inside your body is higher than any other Devine body spirit in grade, it will create a greater phenomenon which can even be seen from other continents.

It will become a highly dangerous situation for host and his family and hiding it will be impossible.

So system recommends to stop the phenomenon unlit host reaches 5 years old.]

Hearing this he was genuinely scared, hunted down by the evil guys from the moment he was born is a very unfortunate situation.

A little frown appeared unknowingly on his face, which didn't go unnoticed by the people present in the room specially his father as his eyes were glued on him, as he carried him carefully in his arms.

"Mother, Father please stop, little Shen is scared." He hurriedly tried to stop both of his parents and In-laws as he show them the little frown on baby's face.

Which actually worked as they stopped fighting, both of the old men's eyes were filled with Gratitude towards there new born grandchild.

"That is, a nice name" uttered the big Old lady giving her approval as the two old men also nodded in favour.

One has to say that these two old men are always acting like clowns when they are with their family.

The old lady moved forward towards Third master to take the child in her arms, which made third master, conflicted in what to do as he didn't want to let go of the child but he had no other choice as he let her take the baby from him showing an expression of pain.

This time old lady didn't even bother looking towards him as she watched the peaceful sleeping child, while she delicately carried the child and sat on the bed near her daughter.

They all took there turns to carry the child specially the two old men, it took nearly half-hours before the child was back to his mother as all of the people slowly left leaving the couple and the child behind.

Third master also stayed for an hour before he left slowly leaving his wife and child to take Rest.

Xiao Shi was already asleep but his mind was still awake, he was again alerted by the system but this time it was different.

[Host, system suggest to take out the robot from the inventory, so that he can perform a Ritual of spirit bathing which was done after the birth of a Devine body to provide the nourishment, to the Body and Soul.]

He didn't know what spirit bathing means but he still instructed the system to use it.

It was already mid night as the moon was already hung high in the sky and its silvery light was directly passing from the window and falling on the child who was still asleep next to his mother covered in silk blankets.

The room was quite as no one can be seen beside the mother and child but suddenly an Old man dressed in Butlers Clothing from earth appeared next to them specially the child.

His presence was hidden as no one took notice to him, only the baby eyes opened as he was looking towards the old man with curiosity, the old man took notice towards the child and bowed towards him showing his respects.

'God, is that truly a robot, it really looks like an Old Butler from Earth.'

He wouldn't have believed it if system has not reminded him.

Yes the old man was the robot system gave him as the reward, his personal Transformers.

The old Robot gently placed his hands above the child, as couple of glowing circles appeared filled with runes and weird designs all over the place.

When these circles appeared the spirit energy all over the mountain started gathering towards the room, as slowly a fog like energy gathered in that spot and started slowly entering Xiao Shi's body.

His body didn't show any sign of stopping as it continued greedily absorbing the spirit energy, this continued for an hour before it stopped showing that the body capacity was full.

Xiao Shi didn't feel anything weird when the energy entered inside him, as it only felt like he was placed in a gentle warm water.

But his body felt stronger compared to the hour earlier.

'So that was the Spirit Formation System was talking about.'

He was amazed by the formation as it look Mystical and have awesome feeling to itself.

"System, would I also be able to learn about the formations." He asked exited as he really wanted to jump from his bed and shout.

[Host would be, but you need to be at least 10 years old to start training in Soul energy and spirit formations.]

Hearing this he didn't respond, as he looked towards the sealing of the room.

'Why do this you do this every time.'

'Is there anything I can do right now.' He inquired with a slight irritation in his voice.

['Yes', Host can do something right now, and that is Sleep]


"Can you at least show me my status board?"


Name: Xiao Shi/ Huang Shenlong.

Race: Human/?

Level: 0 (0/100).

Title: 0.

Profession: Dream Collector.

Age: 1 Day.

Followers: 1(Old Robot Butler, Transformer).

Cultivation Stage: 0.

Cultivation Technique: Primordial Ancient Creation Technique (Locked).

Soul Spirit: Immortal Demon God (Locked).

Body Grade: Devine Body (Rank: 9).

Equipment: 0.

Power: Devine Dream Creator (Rank: GOD), Primordial Devine Aura.

Dream Space: Ancient World (Locked).

Credit Points: 1501.]

"Oh it increased further and there are many new things, care to explain?" while looking at the updated status he asked.

[[There are 3 new functions added after are born, as Follower section shows the Numbers of follower host currently have which will increase as your followers increase, each follower increase will give you 1 credit points monthly.

The Soul Spirit is the spirit born with the Host, as every Devine Body have one spirit related to them which shows their power.

And the Body grade shows how powerful a body is, as generally the best this world have to offer are Devine Rank 3 which is already considered to be the top rank.

There is also an increase in your second power as it became Primordial Divine]]

Listing to this made his head hurt as he closed the status board and went back to sleep.

As he still didn't know that the gathered spirit fog is still present in the room and was slowly absorbed by his mother and her cultivation was also increasing slowly, reaching to the level of experiencing a breakthrough.

But too bad he still didn't notice this as he was already asleep without a care.