Chapter 9. Trick and Trial.

[Sub-Quest available]

Hearing back to back notifications he was little shocked, also this was the first time he had got a Sub-Quest.

As he opened the blinking notification to see what it was all about.


(a) Trick everyone in believing that there was a treasure inside the island.

(b) Conduct a Trial where the person defined worthy will get the treasure.

Description: Due to the natural phenomenon there are many Strong Cultivators travelling towards this island, Trick them in believing that there is a treasure inside the island and delay them as long as Possible.

After they believe it then conduct the second part of the quest and that is to conduct a fair trial where the person who passes it will get the treasure.

The treasures needed to conduct the trial will be provided by the system.

If the quest was completed more flawlessly additional Rewards can be given.

Reward: 10000 credit Points.

Note: Failure may lead to many unknown circumstances and may lead those cultivators to you.]

Seeing this sub-quest and the note he was little confused and worried at the same time.

'How can they find me, can't I just leave this place using the return stone?'

[Host sure can leave the place easily, but the teleportation will always leave a space mark behind unless you are using a High grade teleportation stone.

The current transportation stone host is using is a Low grade stone, and it will surely leave the mark behind which can be traced back if there is a high ranking Soul Spirit cultivator.

It needs at least one day for the mark to fade completely.]

[Do you accept the Quest?]

'You are really making things difficult for me here.'

[Do you accept the Quest?]

'YES' I accept, do I even have a choice here.' Hearing the repeating notification he sighed and accepted it.

He was sure the system was doing this because of him cursing it earlier.

'How much time is left till they all reach here?'

[1 Hour 55 Minutes.]

Hearing this he immediately called out his old robot and started thinking about what to do and he sure got an idea, as a little mischievous smile appeared on his face.

"They want a treasure, then I will make sure they will get one."

'Hey system, how can I upgrade my robot.' He asked.

[Host you can buy high grade spirit metals and High grade spirit stones and leave the rest up to robot.]

Hearing this, he looked towards his credit points, it sure become zero after this purchase.

'Ok please buy the materials needed for an upgrade.'

And sure as he thought all the credit points he had accumulated these years became Nil.

Soon, out of nowhere Tons and tons of precious shiny metals appeared in front of him, and all of them radiated dense spirit energy which shows there quality.

In the side there also appeared a small treasure box from which even more spirit energy radiated outside, as blue colored transparent Stones can be seen from the overflowing Top.

Seeing these precious metals and Stones he kind of wanted to keep it but he stopped, and ordered the Robot to upgrade itself.

A golden red spirit formation appeared in front of the materials as it started devouring it and in second everything was gone.

The robot stood there unmoving as metals started slowly covering it from top to bottom forming a cocoon shape.

It looked like a 2 meter giant Red Metal Egg.

[Upgrading in Process needs 10 minutes.]



As the countdown began, he sat down there and opened his status as he remembered the upgrades he had got earlier.

'Open the status.'


Name: Xiao Shi/ Huang Shenlong.

Race: Human/Immortal Demon God.

Level: 0 (0/100).

Title: Little Master Huang.

Profession: Dream Collector.

Age: 5 Years.

Bloodline: Immortal Demon God.

Eyes: Devin Dream God (Stage-0) (0/1000).

Followers: 1(Old Robot Butler, Transformer).

Cultivation Stage: 0.

Cultivation Technique: Primordial Ancient Creation Technique (Unlocked) (Stage-0) (0/3000).

Soul Spirit: Immortal Demon God (unlocked).

Body Grade: Devine Body (Rank: 9).

Equipment: 0.

Power: Devine Dream Creator (Rank: GOD), Primordial Devine Aura.

Dream Space: Ancient World (Locked).

Credit Points: NIL.]

There were little changes in the status which included the new Eyes and Bloodline panel, seeing this he was little confused as there was not much description written.

'System can you explain the power I got for my Eyes.'

[Host your eyes have been transformed to Devine Dream God Eyes, which has 9 stages and each stage has its own unique function and power.

There is also a second function for it, and that is, it can strengthen anything host wants by 2 times.]

'Wow, that's a great power there I got there.'

[System recommends Host to use the EXP, system had provided and level up your Eyes and Cultivation Technique, as it can't be used until it reaches Stage 1.]

Hearing this he looked towards the 5000 EXP he had saved which he got from the system as a reward.

He was still hesitating a little as he can still remember the pain he got when his eyes transformed and shivered a little.

Gritting his teeth again he used the EXP first on the Cultivation technique, which made his head hurt a little as countless information about Cultivation, alchemy, weapons, cooking, Spirit Formations, Talisman, painting, Laws, etc. Flooded inside his mind, he was little dazed for couple of minutes before getting clear headed.

'Is this the feeling of Enlightenment?'

[Primordial Ancient Creation Technique is now at Stage 1.]

Now he was even more hesitating as he knew that it will hurt very much while upgrading his eyes to stage one.

He gritted his teeth and again used the leftover EXP to the Eyes and his Level.

[Leveled up to level 5.]

That was the only notification he got as he fainted on the spot due to the unbearable pain, not knowing what was happening to his eyes.

After some time passed he regained his consciousness and opened his eyes, it felt strange as he can see countless Dust particles in the air flying everywhere and many small details which can't be seen from naked eyes.

It took him some time to get hang of it as he saw the old robot was done and was standing on his side protecting him.

He got up in a hurry as he remembered that he have a quest to do.

'System, how much time is left?'

[There is 1 Hour and 20 minutes left before everyone arrives.]

'That's good I still have some time left.'

He also saw some notification continuously blinking as he opened it.

[Devine Dream God Eyes has leveled up to stage 1.]

[Congratulation Host you have acquired two new power: Space Law, Time Law, (With these powers host can manipulate the space and time in a certain area.)]

[Congratulation host on reaching Body Strengthening Stage Five.]

[Robots has been Upgraded.

Power Level: Early Martial King.

Soul Spirit Level: Purple Dragon Mark.

Transformers: can transform into Two Forms.

Intelligence: Supreme Tier. (Possess its own consciousness and Emotions)]

Hearing those notifications he was exited again as he looked towards his Old robot which has changed a lot, its eyes now radiated with Purple color light and it looked more bigger and bulkier.

There was also a type of intelligence present in its eyes as it made him looked more human like.

Seeing this changes, de didn't knew if he should still call it Old Robot or give it a name.

He decided to give it a name, as it also possess emotions now.

"From Now on your name is Old Chang."

"Yes, Master."

To which in response Old Chang looked towards him and nodded with a little smile as he has kind and accepting gaze towards him like his family always looked at him.

He also smiled hearing Old Chang response.

'System my eyes can also strengthen the formations right?'


'Tell me about the Ranking of Spirit Formations.'

[Answering to the Host.]

[Spirit Formation Rank are divided in 10 Levels, and every level can be identified by its own unique Color and Mark, every Soul cultivator have his own mark Inscribed in the formation which can be in a shape of a beast, a letter or a plant.

The ten levels are: White, Gray, Red, Purple, Golden, Platinum, Black, Golden Black, and Semi-Devine, Devine.]

'So, if I strengthen the Formation of Old Chang which is Purple Rank then it will become Platinum Rank.'

[Host is Correct.]

[But due to Host level being so low, you can only use it ones in a month.]

He was brought down to Hell from Haven.


"Ok, let's start our plan as we have very limited time."


Countless cultivators all-round the continent travelled towards the small secluded island, as oceans became more chaotic by time.

All of those cultivators only have one goal in their mind, and that was to somehow acquire the treasure for themselves as fast as they can.

Many Empires across the continent send their own strongest forces, some travelled on the sword, some on a flying Boat.

As all of the cultivators arrived near the island they saw the weather starting to change as dark clouds were covering hundreds of miles of area as strong winds were forcing everyone back, time to time thunder and lightning can be heard in these demonic looking clouds threatening to strike at any given time.

The more near you get the more chaotic it became.

There was a thin transparent Barrier which was stopping the chaos inside.

The cultivators present here were more that ten thousand and were still increasing by the time.

Various forces from big Sects and Empires arrived and saw what was happening, it sure looked like a Hell as countless stray cultivators became scared seeing this scene.

But none of them left, as they all stood there and some even started form a team, because no one wanted to give up on the chance to acquire the treasure.

The more Chaotic the scene looked the more it proved that there was a certain treasure inside.

Seeing the scene of people forming groups, Cultivators from bigger sects and empires sneered towards them.

Doing nothing they just watched from the side standing with their own group.

Many smart and powerful cultivators also saw the expression of those people as they also stood there waiting, waiting for the fools to make a move so they can identify the situation further.

And they were right on doing so as many cultivators were devoured by their greed can't stand there and do nothing.

They just jumped inside the barrier without care as they have confidence on their power.

As they entered inside they disappeared from everyone's sight.

Sometime passed as nothing happened, as more people started forming a group to go inside.

They all prepared and was about to go inside, when everyone heard a shrill scream coming from inside, as many injured people were thrown outside who looked miserable as many were burned, many have cut marks and other types of injuries.

Some cultivators moved towards people who were injured, who were now supported by others who took them out of the ocean.

All of the injured cultivators only have one look on their face and that was when one face death and somehow made it out.

A cultivator from a Big Sect also moved towards them and asked.

"Oye, what made you all idiots this scared."