Chapter 11. Demon Chang.

The commotion had already calmed down after hearing about, what happened inside the barrier.

All the other Big Sects and Clans started searching for some clues.

Old Sword was also included in those Big group's of Cultivators, in fact he belonged to one of the five biggest Empire on this continent.

Green Dragon Sword Empire.

He was also searching for some clues which can help them get a better outlook of the situation.

"Did you find any thing yet?" He asked towards a certain man who was standing near the barrier as red energy radiated out of him which showed his identity as a red rank Soul Spirit Cultivator.

Hearing the question the man slowly made his way back to the group as his energy disappeared.

"I do not find any thing about this formation as it is too complex and difficult, but it is probably one of the most powerful formation I have ever seen." The man answered calmly but in his eyes you can clearly see the excitement and shock he got from it.

Old Sword had a feeling that it will not be as dangerous as it looks and understood one thing and that was as long as you do not do anything stupid as the first idiots you will not be attacked.

Old Sword Looked towards other people who were still contemplating about what to do, as he decided to follow his instincts and ordered everyone to follow him inside.

Cultivator with Old Sword had Blind trust towards him as they didn't even raise any questions and just followed him inside.

Seeing that one of the biggest Faction moving inside the barrier.

Other faction also made there own decision and started to follow after Old Sword and his group.

As they all passed through the barrier, all of them got to see the same scene described by the Big Tiger earlier.

It really look scary and has a dangerous feel to it but they all still moved forward and surely, after some time they arrived at the place where they could clearly see the Light pillar and the giant fog dome.

After seeing this scene all of their mouth were parted open as they were little shocked seeing such a sacred scene. As Listening someone speaking about it and seeing whit your own eyes was totally different.

"Halt Your Steps."

As they moved forward they heard the same voice which told to stop.

They all stopped as they waited patiently without moving from the place.

It didn't took long as they saw the fog barrier was slowly parting as a small door formed from which a single person can pass easily.

Looking curiously they saw an Old man with thick silver colour beard walking out from inside the fog as his long Silver hair flowed in air as if it was swaying with wind, he was Dressed in spotless white clean robe as his cold eyes looked around everyone as if examining every one, his stare felt as if a prehistoric beast was staring directly into there soul.

But, strangely for everyone they can't feel any energy from him as if he was a normal old man, but no one here was as idiotic as the Big Tigers group to actually think of him as a normal old man.

Old sword was also Curiously looking at the old man, as his instinct told him that this man was very dangerous, but being a member of Royal Family he was also smart and quickly greeted the old man.

"This Old Sword From Green Dragon Sword Empire Greets Respected Senior." He quickly greeted as the people behind him did the same.

Old Chang heard the greeting from Old sword and looked curiously towards Old sword and lightly nodded.

Seeing that it worked other from big Empires and sects also started greeting him.

"We from the thunder Dragon Axe Empire also greets respected Senior." Said another middle aged man who had a large axe on his back as he also lead his group.

"Purple Bamboo sword sect also greets respected Senior." Said an old man while standing on the purple coloured bamboo sword and his group was also one of the smallest but in the term of power they were actually one of the most powerful one present here.

As slowly everyone present showed there respect and believed that he was a powerful cultivator but the Poisonous skeleton sect just stood there with a mocking face.

There belief was no never bow to anyone as they looked all the cultivators and empires as their play ground.

Everyone present saw that but no one said any thing as they kind of wanted to see what will happen.

Old Chang also saw this but said nothing, he was already smart enough to know what it meant, as he now possess emotions he was a little angry inside but kept his calm.

"First of all, I know why you all are here and what you wanted to know and what place is this."

"You all are in the trial grounds of Immortal demon Faction, and only those judged worthy will acquire the treasures inside." Old Chang said in a voice which was not to loud but it can be heard easily by the cultivators present there.

"Only the person with pure heart and strong will is allowed inside, and if you have an evil heart get the hell out from this sacred ground."

He said as he looked towards the poisonous skeleton sect with a little smirk on his face.

Hearing this all the people looked toward the group who was the most evil faction here and actually felt good inside because this evil sect had killed millions of innocents and cultivators, and some times they killed for no reason at all.

They didn't knew why today they were all silent but the smarter ones had guessed that there will be a war inside if they found the treasure and the one attacking them first would definitely be them.

Hearing this Poisonous Skeleton Sect members and the person who was the leader of their group became Enraged, as the green poisonous energy started flowing out of their bodies which actually started spreading on the ocean floor, people Hurriedly moved away from there.

They had always enjoyed the scared look of others as their groups we're mainly filled with sycophants they killed when ever they wanted as they cultivated in evil arts sacrifice was one of there most important needs.

And now an Old man from no where was talking to them like that, this truly enraged them.

They didn't believe that the old man was that powerful as they thought that everything inside was happening because of the sacred treasure.

And the worst thing was, when they saw the sacred scene caused by the treasure they knew that they won't be able to use it as the holy or sacred energy will destroy them, so they were already planning to disrupt every thing and try to kill everyone present here.

As this treasure can bring a chaos to their sect.

And now was the best chance to start their plan and use it in there own favour as no one will be prepared.

"And who the fuck are you to decide who is allowed and who is not" said the man leading the group and he didn't even wait for the response and directly attacked "Die" He threw himself covered with greenish black coloured poison all over.

Seeing this scene mostly all the people present were worried, at the same time some were even excited as not all of the cultivators have a good personality who treated other's kindly, and knew that they were also included in the evil group.

Old Chang just watched it and didn't respond as the palm of the man stuck on his chest, he didn't even move a single step backward.


A loud colliding sound of metal rang out from the area.

Seeing this that nothing happened to the old man, the man tried to retreat but a hand came at an unimaginable speed and gripped his neck.

People from his sect saw there leader gripped by the throat knew their plan had failed so they also joined their hands, as all of them attacked at the same time numbering up to 500.

As they were about to reach the old man they saw countless demonic black hands we're coming out of the clouds and in seconds reached in front of them.

The same thing happened again as the history repeated it self, all of them were directly devoured by the lightning and turned to ashes without even getting chance to scream.

The instant massacre, caued by the old man who was gripping the neck of the leader, didn't even look towards the people who had died.

One thing was to notice here, and that was all the cultivators in that group were either Xiantian spirit Peak Or Early Xiantian Profound.

But they didn't even get the chance to say any thing and were directly annihilated in seconds.

This kind of power, can bring a disaster to there Empire and Sects, and no body will be able to save them.

This truly scared all the people present as everyone forgot about the treasure and some even wanted to run back but there legs didn't support them.

They still didn't knew that the cause of this chaos was a platinum rank formation and a 5 year old boy.

Old Chang Looked towards the man in his grip who looked horror stricken.

"Oh, It was My bad as I Didn't Introduce my self earlier.' He said as he looked directly into the eyes of the man as a kind smile appeared on his face.

"My Name is Chang, Demon Chang." After saying that he slapped the man with full force that beheaded him as he died.