Lion Roars

When Huang Tian woke up it was the seventh day he has joined the squad and their was not improvement till now. He is the lone inhabitant of the dorm. He woke up fully relaxed and was regained his vigor and vitality to some extent. He was surprised to find fresh meat placed in his bunker. He felt may be Mo Shi did a bit favor for him and fully gulped it up.

He practiced Elephant Devouring Technique couple of times and felt a warm energy flowing through his body and his body was sticky and dirty.

He immediately cleaned himself in the bathing area and then changed to fresh uniform. He felt completely relaxed and his body ached no more and he felt his muscles regrowing.

Huang Tian "I should regain my previous stature first. Then I can start training my body refining techniques and weapons."

After couple of hours he started eating the remaining food and practiced his digesting technique.

After eating fully, Huang Tian decided to study his techniques.

He took his body refining manual "Roaring Lion and Flying Dragon."

He read thought it carefully and didn't find it that complicated at all, he understood everything carefully. This exercise was divided into five parts mainly. Basically for each rank starting from Bronze rank to Diamond rank. Each part consisted 30 stances each separately.

Huang Tian can make a rough estimate that every level have three stances each totally 150 stances.

For now his goal is to practice first stance perfectly, that will mark him entering to the bronze rank body refiner.

Huang Tian positioned himself and started practicing that stance. He executed the stance but felt something wrong. He didn't feel any particular effect with it. It was just like moving his hand normally.

Huang Tian "This is wrong. This is not how this should have been."

He executed it again and again but he didn't feel any change at all.

Huang Tian realized he is going nowhere with it. Even after practicing it more than 200 times he didn't make any progress at all.

Huang Tian laughed out loudly at this, it continued for over few minutes then he stopped laughing.

Huang Tian then decided to stop it for now. He was feeling hungry and realized there was still long time left for his dinner.

Huang Tian decided to go for hunting, there was already equipment in his supplies for this so there will be no problem for him hunting and eating.

Huang Tian got armored himself and took out both of his daggers and hunting knife and his bow and his quiver of arrows.

He has little experience with bow and arrows, being from a Super family and being main line descendant he was trained in all kinds of weapons, he can wield every weapon there is but is not proficient in to extreme. He adjusted himself to his new weapon.

Huang Tian "I will not be able to use it to its full capacity for now. I have to become stronger."

Huang Tian then went to the hunting ground asking directions from seniors.

"Kiddo aren't you little overly equipped?"

one of the seniors asked him chuckling.

Huang Tian was bit embarrassed hearing this, but it was truth he was armed to teeth. He was carrying a top standard issued bow and arrows, there were pair of hunting knives and daggers and there was a top saber hanging on his back. And he is the only person there wearing armor.

Huang Tian "I feel the same senior. I am not familiar with hunting grounds so don't know much about what is enough."

All the people chuckled hearing this. The senior who asked him patted Huang Tian on his back laughing.

Senior "It happens, when I entered for the first time, even I was like that. Well I had few weapons less though."

Huang Tian "Huang Tian greets seniors."

Senior "Huang Tian! I am Bo Man , these are my friends Feng Chen and Li Mo. We are all from 11th squad."

Huang Tian "I am new recruit of 21st squad."

Bo Man "Newbie and you are already preparing to enter the hunting grounds."

Huang Tian "I was hungry and more than half a day was left to dinner. So I thought why not try hunting grounds."

Li Mo "Good thinking. But you should be more careful. Usually squad leader accompanies recruits when they go for their first hunting trip."

Huang Tian nodded his head listening obediently.

Feng Chen "You already came this far, what is there to worry now. We will give you introduction." he spoke encouragingly.

Bo Man "Courage is most important thing, you are already here what is there to be afraid of, with all of us here."

Huang Tian was elated hearing this, he didn't feel anything ill in their intentions.

Bo Man "Hunting grounds are divided to four divisions mainly. We will be taking you to first division now."

Bo Man "Beasts in hunting ground are divided into two kinds. Demon Beasts and wild beasts."

Bo Man "In first and second divisions all the beasts are wild beasts. First division is almost harmless, most of the beasts there are herd based animals and they are easy to kill. They are mainly bred to train recruits for hunting."

Li Mo "Even though they are not that dangerous you should remember no one wants to die, even a domestic cat will fight aggressively when it is cornered. Wild beast are wild beasts their instincts are more sensitive than them. So if you attack them without proper plan you will face severe consequences."

Huang Tian nodded listening to everything they said sincerely.

Feng Chen "So, you should always be careful while you are in hunting ground. A moment of negligence could mean death."

Bo Man " You should know what is your target and you should study everything about them, from their strengths, weakness, habits, diet and behaviors. The more you know the better."

Feng Chen "We are taking yo to hunt Hunting Goats, we have them in abundance and they are the easiest prey."

They were already inside the hunting ground now. They were standing above a bit tree observing the surroundings.

Li Mo "Little Tian observe everything, you should use every sense you have in this kind of area."

Feng Chen "Little Tian, are you sensing something."

Huang Tian " I am sensing a pungent smell."

Bo Man "Very good, that is the smell of Hunting Goats. And the density of the smell speaks about their position."

Li Mo "Smell is very strong , it means wind is carrying the smell. Now, you can feel the direction of wind."

Huang Tian nodded his head.

Bo Man "This is enough for now, when you experience this more, you will be able to locate them accurately."

Huang Tian nodded.

Li Mo "A herd is coming from north, they will be here in a minute."

Bo Man "Little Tian prepare your weapons. "

Huang Tian immediately nooked his bow and arrow.

Li Mo "Have you been accustomed to this weapon properly."

Huang Tian nodded his head "I have shot over twenty arrows and adjusted myself."

They didn't speak anything, they felt it was too less to accustom their weapon.

Bo Man "Hunting Goats , weigh around 70kg, they are bit tall but their legs are not that strong, their center of gravity is not properly balanced. So they are not that fast. It has a strong skull, it will not be easy to breach. So unless you are sure you should not target its head. "

Then Bo Man explained about Hunting Goat in detail.

Li Mo "Huang Tian, when you are hunting animals of a herd you have too keep in mind which one you are targeting. It is advised not to target a pregnant beast or babies. Resistance will be very high on both occasions, it is preferable to hunt the strongest."

Huang Tian nodded in agreement.

Then soon Hunting Goats were in his line of sight.

Bo Man "Little Tian rely on your instincts attack when you feel it is right time."

As he was speaking he felt arrow was released. It traveled in a straight line piercing through the hunting beast in the rear end. The arrow was released to perfection and it went through and arrow head came out from other side.

Bo Man "Good job kiddo. Nice shot."

Li Mo "True, choice was also good, you shot the beast in rear almost reducing the commotion to maximum extent."

Bo Man "Yes, you should always keep this mind, you should plan the follow up too and try to predict the impact of your action."

Feng Chen "Little Tian now go and collect your game."

Huang Tian went and collected the hunting goat he shot into the supply sack .

Huang Tian was very happy at this accomplishment. Well it looked like this though. He was capable of hunting even bigger games with almost unlimited experience he have.