Winter Break 16

As she gained some distance, she placed her hand on over the Scroll in her pocket and thought, "And if it's anything I don't like, I'll just use my trap card."

In the wide-open area, Yang truly had the advantage. The entire time, she was trying to focus her Aura in her legs while concentrating on the race at the same time, only losing a bit of speed in the process.

However, when they got to the forest, the winding and narrow paths that had several slopes and drops, forced her to reevaluate just how good her Aura control was.

Whenever there was a sharp turn, Jaune and Pyrrha easily turned without losing any speed while Yang tore up the ground with her feet and drifted by sliding just to keep up.

When it became apparent that she wasn't going to be able to catch up, she continued to observe how their feet moved and how the Aura flowed through them when they made sharp turns. 

She experimented several times and tore quite a bit of the ground up as she tried her best to keep up.

When they got back, they had run ten miles in twenty minutes. Without the use of their Aura except for when pivoting the hard angels, the three of them got a decent workout. 

Throughout the race, Jaune and Pyrrha remained at a constant thirty miles an hour while Yang fluctuated throughout the entire trip.

Needless to say, Jaune won at the last second because of his superior Aura levels. He pushed in a much larger amount of Aura into his movement at the end and easily passed by Pyrrha.

Everyone was breathing heavily as sweat dripped from their bodies, Jaune smiled as he said, ""

"You cheated," Pyrrha commented as she caught her breath.

Yang laughed as she tried to breathe properly, "Well…huff…lover boy, what would you have us do? Something not naughty, I hope."

Yang placed her arm around Pyrrha's neck and placed their breasts together with a strong hug.

Jaune blushed and shook his head with a look of pure denial. He then laughed with an embarrassed tone before saying, "I have a training schedule for you. All you have to do is follow it."

"Training? You're going to use your 'make the lovely Yang and Pyrrha do anything' card on training?" Yang replied, looking a little disappointed.

"Yep! Now, I want you to run like this every day while we are here. There's a cliff a few miles out into the forest that's about 50 feet high. I want you to climb it while only putting Aura into your fingers and toes," Jaune said before he explained what she would have to do.

Yang's ears perked up as she learned that the training regimen was a bit harsh. However, all of it sounded super fun to her, jumping off the cliff and using her Aura to pinch tree branches without breaking them and landing safely.

She'd have to push her limits via mountain climbing, running and hiking in dangerous slopes at extremely fast speeds, and even daily sparing. For a second, she thought that she wouldn't be surprised if Jaune suddenly asked her to jump out of a Carrier without a landing strategy.

"Jaune, isn't that a little dangerous?" Pyrrha asked as looked concerned for Yang.

"If I made her training like work, Yang would never get to it. Trust me, this is the best way to make her to train. As long as she's having fun, it will motivate her to continue," the blond knight pointed out as he looked at a nodding Yang.

"You know me well, little bro," Yang teased as she pulled her top out and fanned her breasts.

Pyrrha chuckled when Jaune said, "Thanks, sis! As a team leader, I have to pay extra special attention to the people in my life."

Seeing him immune to both her charm and jokes, the blond spitfire grinned and wrapped her arm around Jaune's shoulder before saying, "Alright, I get it, you're immune to Yanging good humor. So, what are you gonna have our resident Spartan do?"

Pyrrha blushed as Jaune looked her over, "Well, there's not much, Pyrrha is a pretty well-rounded fighter, as long as she continues to train, she'll get even stronger."

Pyrrha looked a little down as her shoulders slumped over, however, her attitude did a 180 when Jaune said, "Well, the best thing for her to do is learn more about her Semblance and ways to exploit it."

Jaune then picked up a small rock and said, "For instance, she can do more than just attract and control metals. Since she can manipulate magnetic fields, she should be able to magnetize other objects. I think that she should use iron sand as a weapon since she can form it into any shape."

Jaune then started to lay out a routine for Pyrrha to follow. For starters, she would have to magnetize a rock and then separate it into fine grains of iron sand.

Eventually, she would also have to do the same with other materials as well, such as non-magnetic metals as well. However, to do this, it would take months if not years of practice and study since it was considerably harder than magnetizing ferrous metals and materials.

She would have to pour in large amounts of Aura and then control the thousands if not millions of tiny granules of magnetic sand. To control each and every one would not only be extremely difficult but it push the limits of her Semblance to heights unknown.

It would be a challenge truly fit for a champion.

Jaune also offered her some ideas on how to use her magnetism to her advantage, she could use it on her own armor to make it weightless when she moved, or even hover and fly by using her boots as footholds in the air.

"You sure have a lot of ideas about Pyrrha's Semblance, you've thought a lot about this, haven't you, lover boy? How many years did it take you to come up with this idea?" Yang said causing Jaune and Pyrrha to wince a bit.

"Oh, shit, I'm sorry!" Yang shouted as she realized that she just might've touched a particular sore spot.

Jaune sighed, "No…it's alright. I suppose it's better to talk about it now. I thought about what we could have been for the longest time, I can't tell you how many times I thought, if only Pyrrha was here, we could have done this, or we could have done that if we were with her before she...well, you get it. I'm a strategic person at heart. I can't help how I think."

Yang made an apologetic expression as she saw Pyrrha look quite gloomy. 

"I'm sorry!" The red-haired Spartan announced as she bowed, "I ignored the help my team could have given me and the result was the loss of my life. I truly am reflecting on that!"

Yang and Jaune both wore somber expressions as they patted Pyrrha on the back and comforted her.

"It's okay, Pry! Don't put yourself down so much," The blond knight spoke up first.

Yang followed up by placing her arm around the Spartan's neck while saying, "Yeah, lighten up, P-Money. We got your back! As long as you know that you can count on us..."

Pyrrha nodded her head and wiped away her tears as she spoke with a vibrant smile, "Right then, back to training. I think we should focus on combat training now."

Yang pounded her fists together, "Aw, yeah! Now you're talking!"

Jaune nodded his head and for the next hour straight, they continued to trade off on fighting one on one.

Yang learned a lot from their spars. After they all felt like that was enough for the moment, they all took off to shower the sweat off of their bodies. 

Since the Arc house had three bathrooms, one that was on the first floor, one on the second, and one in the parent's bedroom, all three of them got to shower. 

Luckily his sisters stayed up most of the night chatting with each other, so they weren't up yet and hogging the bathroom like usual. Therefore, everyone was happy that there was no line waiting for them.

To get to the kitchen, Jaune walked through the living room, and in the process, the blond knight saw Blake crawled up on Sun's chest. The two slept on the couch and talked all night, and from the looks of it, they fell asleep in each other's arms.

Jaune saw the 'rare' calm expression on Blake's face and had to hold back his laugh as he heard her purring.

Sun was the person she could always count on. Although he was silly, wild, and a little rowdy, he would never lie to her, or betray her trust. He wouldn't hide his motives like a certain red-headed Bull Faunus.

Jaune smile faded as he saw the red bags under her eyes as he thought, "She must have cried a lot. It was strange how it took time for the memories of the future to fully register, but I'm just glad that they're all processing it in a healthy way."

Jaune pulled up the covers that were beginning to slip off the couple. He then proceeded directly to the kitchen. As he opened fridge up, the blond knight wasn't too surprised to discover most of the food had been eaten. 

"It had to be Nora," Jaune said as he rubbed the back of his temples.

Then he looked over and saw that he still had that unhealthy cereal that everyone couldn't help but eat, and to be honest, Jaune was very tempted to pour himself a goliath-sized bowl.

Shaking his head, he decided to forgo the junkfood and pulled out a salad. He sighed at the fact he was missing out on protein at the moment and thought that since he was up, he might as well prepare a few extra plates for his teammates.

After making a plate for everyone, he headed back to the workshop to discover Ruby making more daggers.

Jaune smiled and said, "Hungry?"

Ruby looked over and smiled as she saw Jaune, then her eyes turned to horror as she saw the rabbit food he had brought her, "No!"

"Come on Ruby, it's just a salad," Jaune said as he placed the bowl next to her.

Ruby shook her head, "No! Do I look like a cute little bunny to you?"

"Ruby, my mom grows all her own vegetables, and they're all fresh. These taste different than what you've had before. Please, just try it," Jaune pleaded.

"I refuse!" Ruby stuck out her tongue.

Jaune sighed, "Look, thanks to Nora, we don't have anything else at the moment, and it's good for you too," Jaune held the fork out with the food on it.

Ruby pouted and puffed up her cheeks. She tried to give Jaune the puppy dog pout, but his defenses kicked it and he looked away. She then tried to move into his range of sight, but Jaune flipped his head in the other direction.

Ruby's pout grew even more as she tried once more by jumping onto his chest. This time, in response to her sudden attack, the blond knight looked up. 

"That's not fair!" Ruby shouted as let crocodile tears roll down her cheek.

Seeing that she wasn't winning this, Ruby let out a playful frown and said, "Okay, new plan."

Slipping her hands under his shirt, the silver-eyed petite suddenly felt butterflies in her stomach as she felt Jaune's rippling abs. However, she pushed past her desire to explore his new muscles and got to work on her devious plan. 

"Ruby, what are you..." Jaune's eyes widened as Ruby grinned as she started to tickle him. 

The silver-eyed Huntress smirked as her hands ran around his stomach and reached for his sides.

"Wait...Stop! What are you doing?"

Jaune began to laugh as Ruby started ran her fingers like a spider crawling on his.


Unbeknownst to him, Jaune's sisters told Ruby some secrets he kept hidden even after they married in his time, including his most dreaded tickle-spot.

Needless to say, Jaune was forced to look at her, and oh boy, did he ever regret it. Ruby's puppy dog pout was just as devastating as he remembered, instant K.O.

However, he was her husband. Summoning what little will that hadn't crumbled like cookie, the blond knight lowered his head against her forehead and said, "Ruby, if you eat this now, I'll make you cookies tonight."

Ruby struggled for a few seconds and then grinned before she pecked Jaune's lips, which quickly developed into a deep kiss.