Chapter 1: Guardian Of The Cave

The protagonist had no feeling in any of his limbs, only hearing the clanking of metal as he attempted to 'move'. This feeling started to become normal to him as he got used to the nerveless body. Still unable to see, the protagonist crawled his way tot he direction of the voice using what felt like an arm, but had the feeling of cold metal.

The time passed by as the protagonist crawled and crawled, still as slowly as he started. One step at a time, he moved closer to his goal. Perhaps this was his fate, to die before he can receive his wishes. But living one life is good enough, surviving this trek is just a bonus. Dying would not be such a terrible end, but living is much more appealing. Through the ever changing senses of his 'body', he felt a large warmth in front of him. This warmth was so large that it appeared to be like an oven, causing the protagonist to feel weak.

"Little one, if you move closer to that, you will melt." The voice spoke.

The protagonist moved backwards, following the trail of the voice. As he finally cleared the last stretch of land, he felt a much less hostile warmth.

"Little one, you have made it to me without dying. Congratulations."

"Thank you for guiding me here." The protagonist responded.

"Before I fulfil your wishes, may I ask who you are?" The voice spoke.

"I am but a dead man. I was an orphan that built an empire with my bare hands, I died due to spontaneous organ failure at the age of 21. I do not know why I am here."

"Hoho... it seems you got some nice real estate. You are the proud owner of a rusted set of plate armour." The voice laughed.

"But why can't I see it?" The protagonist asked.

"Because you are the armour."

The protagonist did not feel as distraught as a normal person would have been, instead accepting the fact with a grain of salt.

"I am a suit of armour?"


"Now what will you wish for?" The voice asked.

"I wish for a hum-"

"No, I cannot do that." The voice interrupted.

"Then May I ask for guidance throughout this life?"

"Granted. You will now always be in contact with me if you need me."

"Thank you."

"Before I ask for anything else, what is this world?"

"It is the world of humans, Demi-humans and demon lords. You must have been some unlucky world traveler, poor child. In this world you must fight to survive, in an ever changing political landscape, not all things are guaranteed. Especially with hostile countries at every border, luckily you have me to guide you. Just imagine this world as a land of swords and magic. Monsters are rather unique too, if you receive a name from a higher being, you will gain a lot of power depending on the one you received it from."

"Okay, for my second wish, I would like to receive a name."

"Hoho...I haven't given a name in a Millenia, are you sure about this request Little one? Not everyone like the names I give them, they all seem to desire some amazing name with deathly meanings; but I do not give out those names. So are you sure?"

"Yes, I desire a name from you, I can tell from my instincts that you are a powerful being. I may not know how this world works, but my instincts are what got me here."

"Very well, receive this name. Millen, for you are the first person I have named in a Millenia."


"Thank you-"

Suddenly a very hot feeling of pure energy flew into the 'body' of the protagonist making feel like he was burning from the inside out. This feeling was even hotter than eating ghost peppers, it felt like hell.

"Also, it seems that my magicules have accumulated over time...I guess I just forgot to use them." The voice chuckled.

"By the way, use magic sense, it is a skill that allows you to see." The voice continued.

The heat finally wore off, leaving the protagonist feeling much more energetic and powerful.

"Okay, what is a skill?" The protagonist asked.

"You just do stuff and you will receive skills for it. Try very hard to sense magicules in your surroundings, it will help you."

The protagonist tried his absolute hardest to see.

[Extra skill: magic sense, acquired."]

Suddenly the world opened up for the protagonist as he saw everything in bright and vivid colours like he had never seen before.

"Good, very good. Now what is your lasts wish?"

The protagonist looked towards the voice, to see an extremely large dragon before him. The presence of warmth was now justified. As he witnessed the grand nature of the being before him, he looked to himself to see an empty suit of clean plate armour. Using his bracer as a mirror, he found that his head was just a helmet.

"Now you see? That was rusted before I gave you your name." The dragon laughed.

"Sir Dragon, for my last wish, I wish for the ability to absorb power."


[Unique Skill: Arch Tempering, acquired.]

"From now on, you can temper your armour with the magicules of your enemies, but you will not receive their skills. But now you can gain skill easily through combat, since you are Arch Tempering gives you the augmented ability to temper yourself. Even something as simple as walking can temper your agility."

"Doesn't that seem a bit too much?"

"Nonsense, That is the least I could do for a being that doesn't cower before me. I have granted those wishes to you, now I have one request. Become strong, I want a friend that I can call my equal."

"Thank you very much Dragon, May I ask your name?"

"Velmorta, the true dragon."