Chapter 3: Slavers

Swords and shields, knights and dragons; all of what one would expect from some fantasy world. A person that had lived a common life would at least know a decent bit about these tropes, such as elves and dwarves. This was not the case for Millen, as mentioned before, he was an orphan that became a billionaire by age 21. There was not time for him to enjoy a common life of recreation, it was always about his dream to become someone that his parents could be proud of, there was no other spot to fit fun into. So fantasy worlds are nearly alien to him, he was like maths teacher entering a drama class.

Maybe once in a month he would spend an hour or two playing some golf, but that was all the peace he had. The other physical activities were purely for utilities, such as kendo, sprinting, boxing, swimming and weightlifting. All of these were useful to him, but he never truely enjoyed them, taking them only as valuable tools to help him survive.

With his death, he had realised that some of these activities were indeed useful and some were now useless. With this adjustment in lifestyle, comes an adjustment to his schedule, opening up time for freedom and relaxation.

But those are things he cannot do yet, he still has important work to attend to. The slaves have been granted protection by his benefactor, so he will have to help them. But he was already used to this, work is non-stop, so this is no different.


Millen navigated the cave, quickly finding himself at a gap separated by water. The protagonist hadn't tested out his jumping capabilities as of yet, still slightly unconfident in his physical capabilities. However, this did not stop him from jumping over the water anyway, easily making his way to a raised ledge. With that obstacle cleared, Millen found himself at a spiral staircase.

The staircase seemed to be very old, with many stones being misplaced or cracked. The journey upwards was not a difficult one however, since Millen's armour did not suffer from fatigue. The journey felt just like any other in this new body, slow but easy.

After a minute of walking up the stairs, Millen finally reached a well lit room, filled with empty cages and figures everywhere. Through only some general analysis, he noticed that they were all humans, most likely slavers.

With that in mind, the protagonist moved in to the room for all to see.

"Stop right there!" A guard spoke.

"Announce yourself, Intruder!" He shouted as he pointed a pike at him.

The feeling of disrespect was annoyingly unpleasant, even as an orphan, people showed some common decency to him. This feeling of disrespect made the protagonist desire to become violent, a thing that he was already planning on doing.

"I am here on business, forfeit your weapons and I will consider bringing you back alive." Millen boldly announced.

"Hah! You think a dog of the kingdom can make us move?" The guard spoke.

"I assure you all that this deal will be advantageous to all involved, I hear that the higher ups are planning on displaying the foolish ones to the public as their testicles are flayed. That is a truely harsh punishment, so I hope you are all cooperate..."

"How do we know that you are bluffing?" A slaver asked.

"Well, I have a detachment stationed outside of the cave, should any of you escape; public humiliation is what will follow."

"...fine, we will surrender ourselves."

The slavers all dropped their weapons and lined up in a straight line with their hands on their heads.

"Now, What happened to the elves?" Millen asked.

"Dead." One of the slavers chuckled.

"We had no food left, so we used our only other supply." He continued.

"So you left them where?"

"Heh, they are in the room ahead, only bones are left."

Millen walked to the side of the group, so he could only see one figure, and not those to his side.


Millen threw his curved sword, decapitating all of the slavers in the line in one swift motion.

"Sometimes you cannot make a deal. Some people are too disgusting to be treated as an equal." Millen spoke.

Millen quickly used their power to temper himself. After he finished, he moved to the next room to find the elven females lying on the cold hard ground. No males were to be found, probably all of them were killed rather than captured. Their bones laid on the ground, dry.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up..." Millen spoke.