Chapter 9: Tempered Ones

Millen finished handing out some arbitrary names such as 'Claw Fang', 'Razorfang', and 'MoonMoon'. The names were just things that he associated with wolves while he was still human, allowing him to keep some memories of his previous life. The named wolves became very happy and docile towards the protagonist, fully submitting themselves as loyal pets. But Millen didn't need docile pets, he needed loyal subordinates that would never betray him. Luckily he had picked wolves that had the capacity to grow under him.

"From this day onwards, we are the Tempered Wolves!" Bastion announced.

"Very well. Now then, we should construct some adequate shelter here. Night should be coming soon enough." Millen spoke.


"By the way, please refer to me as Millen, or 'Lord Millen' if you really have to."

"Acknowledged, Lord Millen."

The day went by with the Tempered wolves watching closely as their new master taught them how to collect mud and clay from the rivers to produce small shelters. The wolves learnt very fast, faster than what normal creatures should be able to do. The speed of learning almost resembled Millen's early days as an aspiring businessman, perhaps this was the power of a name?

After hours of hard work, the wolves finished constructing their own shelters, even with the difficulties of not being bipedal. The wolves were proud of their work, but were more proud of a small stone shrine that they had erected at the centre of their dwellings, directed to their lord. The stone shrine had several large slabs on top of each other, forming a perfect balance. Before it was a small nest-like basket with some small flowers in it.

"Lord Millen, we have finished constructing the dwellings." Bastion spoke.


MoonMoon was the fourth strongest of the pack, being one of the most energetic of the lot. After receiving a name, he had become entirely devoted to his new lord even though the first day had only finished.

"Thank you all for your generous offerings." Millen spoke.

"Now then let us burn the flowers and then go to sleep."

Millen summoned a small flame to burn the offering of flowers, incinerating the offerings instantly. The wolves all watched in awe as their lord displayed this small yet powerful feat.

[Extra skill: Tempering flame]

Millen proceeded to his small dwelling, ordering his wolves to rest for the night, for they were about to go on a hunt the next day.

Next morning:

"Lord Millen, we are ready for your commands." Bastion spoke.

Millen got out of his small shelter, meeting with his wolves. However, his wolves were much different from the last day, they were much more shiny. The wolves seemed to have grown crests on their foreheads which were similar to Millen's but did not contain a jewel. They also seemed to have grown some metal plating on their legs and metal spikes on their backs.

"I see that you have all evolved, but shouldn't you be evolving your claws?"

"No, Lord Millen, we have decided to follow the way of our lord, evolving into our own unique pack. Our blood is now that of your legacy." Bastion announced.

"Very well, let us go hunt."

The pack followed their leader into the forest, eventually finding themselves at a small encampment that was surrounded by wooden spikes. This encampment seemed to be quite temporary and crude, probably only made to stand for a night. However, the warmth of creatures could still be sensed from the camp.

"This place is occupied."

"What should we do, Lord Millen?"

"I sense nothing but hostility here, the malice of the magicules is making me disgusted." Millen spoke.

"As part of your reward for following me, you may test your new powers on the inhabitants of this camp." Millen announced.

"Yes, Lord Millen." Everyone responded.

With that one order, the wolves all rushed into the camp, jumping over the walls and proceeded to slaughter the hosts of the settlement. After a quick slaughter, the fighting ended and the wolves returned with the bodies of humans on their backs.

"Lord Millen, it seems you are right. The humans had fire-starting equipment in all of their dwellings. If we hadn't of massacred the encampment, we may have had to abandon this section of the forest." MoonMoon announced.

"As I thought, much malice in the air. What are you waiting for? Eat your spoils."

Millen simply watched in his mannequin-like form as his subordinates happily feasted on their spoils. The air was filled with the satisfaction of his wolves, becoming a haven of happiness for the moment.

"Now then, let us return to our home. We need to expand our settlement for later..."