
Ryo was walking down the usual road back home from school. Ever since he left the school grounds he had a bad feeling brewing inside him. He didn't know where it came from but he was just about to fine out.

"HEY KID WATCH OUT!" A man in his early sixties came running towards Ryo but unfortunately it was a little to late as by the time Ryo turned around a big truck came smashing into his body and proceeded to crash into the bank Ryo was walking outside of.

"OUCH! IT HURTS.... Wait it doesn't hurt at all!? Huh..?" Ryo woke up screaming only to realize he felt nothing. And that is meant literal, he felt nothing. No movement of the body. No pain. He felt nothing at all. He barely felt emotions such as sadness to have died or anger towards whoever killed him.

"Hello there young soul. How are you doing this fine eternity?" A kind old looking man was sitting across Ryo's floating soul form. He didn't notice the old man until he spoke.

"eh!? Hello? I am good i think? I am just wondering why i don't feel any pain or anything at all, really?" Ryo inspected the old man which felt weird to him since he felt no movement of eyes or anything he knew to be body movement.

"hm, yes! I see this is your first reincarnation. Well the reason you don't feel anything is because you are in your soul form. In this form nothing can be felt. Even if i torture you with soul magic you would feel almost nothing other then a small tickle. Makes sense? definitely not, but just roll with it as we don't have much time here." The old man explained loosely while sipping on what Ryo assumed to be tea.

"Okay, now it kinda makes sense why i had this horrible feeling today ever since i left class. So why am i meeting with who i assume is god?" Ryo was of course referring to the old man but he was apprehensive about how to talk to him, so he tried a direct approach.

"Well i am here to reincarnate you. At least that is speaking in simple terms. Really, i am looking for my successor here. And yes. Successor to the throne of god. Would you like that?" The old god seemed very chill speaking about successors but Ryo was slightly freaking out inside.

"This is crazy! Hope i am just dreaming or something. Is there no one else who can take my place instead?"

"Well, you are not dreaming. There have been others and they have all failed in one way or another. seventy seven in fact have been asked what you are being asked now and they all failed in their journey to my throne. Now they are dead and no more reincarnations for them" God explained while still sipping tea like a fragile old man but his aura screamed anything other then a fragile old man.

"What do i need to do then?" Ryo was willing to take the risk since it actually sounded kind of fun. That and the fact that he didn't know what the alternative was. And he had no interest to find out first hand if hell really existed.

"Nothing much really. I will send you to worlds that you a familiar with, and some that you don't know anything about. And when you have grown strong enough you will take my throne and become the new god so i can take a vacation." God gave the simplest explanation he could think of.

"So i will just visit worlds and fight to become stronger to eventually become the new you? did i get that right?"

"Yes! indeed child. You can do whatever you want in those worlds. I don't care for life or death of anyone, so go on a killing spree or live a simple life and never kill anyone. I don't care as long as you grow stronger.

"Okay will i get some random powers or something similar to you because i am your successor? and is there a time limit for this?" Ryo wanted some really cool powers so he could build himself an empire that stretches into the vast universe and not just one world.

"What a silly question. Of course there is no time limit. You can go to sleep for a million years if you want, and then be awake for a day and go back to a million year sleep again. You will never again be mortal, so time will be irrelevant to you and you will know what i mean soon enough that time really flies when you're having fun. And about the powers part. What you will become after your reincarnation has already been arranged for you. So if there is no more questions then i should send you on your way now." God wanted to get the show on the road already.

"I-i can't really think of another question at the moment, but i guess i am allowed to be a little scatterbrained with everything i just heard. So i think i am ready to be r-reborn again i suppose." Ryo still had a hard time believing that he was gonna get a new life and everything.

"Great! Then let me send you on your way, good bye child." God waved his finger and a portal appeared behind Ryo with the purpose of swallowing him into it.

"AH WAIT! ANOTHER QUESTION! WHERE AM I GOING?" Ryo yelled a question at god as he was being swallowed by the portal.

" *ttttcccchhhhh* Sorry boy, a tunnel up ahead. I am losing the connection! Good luck in your new life" God spoke as Ryo was finally gone from the empty space.
