Important information about Power levels. Read so you don't complain later on. <3

Just a few pieces of information that's good to know so you don't complain about changes I'll do to the story.

----Power levels----

The system MC uses will rank everyone by power level and that's what I'll use the entire story to tell the readers how strong someone is. I will change power levels of all characters to fit what i want the story to be. Meaning characters like Whitebeard might be a lot more powerful then in the original story or maybe weaker.

If i don't do this the MC will literally ONE PUNCH everyone in the universe too soon into the story because of how OP he will become early on. The MC in this story will be reborn in to a supreme race and he will become incredibly OP very fast so i need to make other worlds a lot more powerful to actually give him a little challenge.

In this story i am not looking to do a gradual growth in power. He will get power ups often and he will spike in power massively every time. Because of this a visit to worlds might be short depending on how powerful the MC becomes in that world, and how fast that happens.


[Universal Power Levels]

Power Levels/Tiers:

[Mortal: 10k - 100k]

[Half Immortal: 100k - 10M]

[Immortal: 10M - 100M]

[Half Saint: 100M - 1B]

[Full Saint: 1B - 100B]

Half Divine: 100B - 1T]

[Full Divine - ?????



[Name: Ryo-

[Race: Supreme Dragon- One of the nine supreme races. Supreme dragons has through history stood as one of the mightiest among the nine

[Bloodline: Divine Dragon God- The divine dragon god is the being born to become god of the dragon race

[Age: 1 month-

[Active Skills:

-Supreme Magic- Birth right of the beings born into the supreme races.

:Element manipulator- Ability to manipulate an element


-Energy manipulation- Ability to manipulate the universal energy at will

[Passive Skills

-immunity to illusions- Can not be put under any form of illusion

-Complete Fire Immunity- No fire can hurt host.

-Aura- The natural aura a person releases. Can be suppressed by using energy manipulation


-Supreme Magic- [SM] -Supreme Races- [SR]

Supreme magic is the highest level of magic in the universe. The supreme races can all use this since birth but some are more talented in it then others. It is the hardest magic to master and only [SR] have access to it.

All supreme users use different [SM] from each other. Supreme magic is not documented down anywhere as it would be pointless, because the only ones who can use them is the user themselves. It can not be learned by other without becoming a apprentice.

Supreme magic belong only to the [SR], so for anyone else to use it, they are required to

go into a Master/Apprentice relationship. the apprentice will then gain access to the same supreme magic as their master uses. this is the only known way to pass on supreme magic. The apprentice however, won't be able to give another person that [SM] no matter what they do. It will die with the apprentice.

Not all divine beings have supreme magic unlocked. In a fight between divines there will make a big difference if one of them have access to [SM]. Full Mastery of ones supreme magic is so rare that less then 20 people have managed to do just that.

-------------------------------- -------------------------------

Energy Manipulation [UE]

Manipulating the energy all around you. Otherwise know as universal energy (UE).

In most worlds UE is not used in it's purest form. In fairy tail, it is more like a catalyst for creating magic. in One Piece it is used as the energy to fuel "Haki". The more UE you can absorb and hold in your body, the stronger your haki becomes.

A world/universe like DBZ uses it in almost it's purest form. The KI as their calling it is very close to completely pure UE.

UE can be used for many things. UE is what people uses to control the Universal laws. (time and space for example)

UE can be used to suppress your natural aura. It can be made into physical energy and you can attack with it, causing devastating damage. (KI form DBZ)


[Weapon/Magic Mastery]

-Beginner Stage

-Novice Stage

-Intermediate Stage

-Expert Stage

-Master Stage

-Grand Master Stage

-Saint Stage

-Divine Stage


[Universal Laws] [UL] More laws will be added when i have time to research them and put them in here.

(Time law) - This Law control the rivers of time. Without this Law functioning chaos would be present everywhere in existence.

(Space Law) - Without this worlds/dimensions/Universes would collapse on themselves

(Motion law) - This Law is what makes, time and space able to function properly.