Maybe i should get a weapon

Ryo had just left the group of ogres and was traveling by flight. He had his wings on his back and they were huge. His true form was 350 meters long so his wings in humanoid form was only a little smaller then his real ones. Ryo was scared of traveling like this, because of how easy he is to spot from the ground. But of course he figure out a solution to this. He was currently traveling above the clouds, effectively hiding him to a certain extent.

"hey, system. i have a question. The ogres and orcs from back there all had weapons to fight with. Would i be better of using one as well?" All this traveling had him thinking.

[Answer! Host can kill ogres and orcs with a finger so a weapon is not needed. Though there are not a lot of people who can threaten you here, there are a lot of experts in weapon mastery the higher tier of worlds you visit. Certain worlds have grand masters and they would be a little bit more tricky to fight against bare handed. There are techniques you can learn if host wants to continue using his hands, but otherwise, the system recommends learning how to use a weapon. This will be especially useful when host is in his human form. Hosts dragon form needs of course no weapon of any sort.]

"I was thinking of either using a sword or a spear. What would you recommend me to use?" Ryo was seriously pondering on starting to practice with a weapon.

[Answer! Swords are easy to master and easy to carry and conceal. System on the other hand recommends practice the way of the spear. Spears are powerful, fast and more easy to use in closed of spaces. Spears have proven that with accuracy comes one of the deadliest weapons to exist.

( A/N: Some facts come from real world, like spear thrusts being great in closed spaces and other things. things like swords being easier to master is something i just wrote on the spot. If it is true or not, i don't know. I apologize if how i describe or use weapons in this novel are wrong. I do not have a lot of time to look up which is truly better for Ryo to use. So please don't start some shit storm in the comments over which is better, this or that. I have seen this happen in the comments of other novels, and i want my comment section to be for discussing the novel like civil folk. Bye)

"hm, when i imagine me using a weapon, i feel like the spear is just speaking to me in some way. I think that is the way to go. Now it's just to figure out where the hell i can get a good spear and someone to teach me the way of the spear." Ryo made his decision final, and moved on to the more pressing matter at hand. Where he should go.

"Maybe a human city is the way to go. I think that i should have no problem going in and out of any human city. The problem is that i have no money to buy anything."

[Alert! Suitable target for absorption ahead.] The emotionless voice that usually spoke to him became a little more upbeat as it alerted him of something it had never done before.

"What do you mean absorption? I don't feel like eating anyone... At the moment."

[Host is recommended to use predator on the target ahead. Target is traveling at human walking speeds.]

"oh, so that's what you meant. What's the target? If it's just a generic wolf or something then this is gonna be really boring, you know" Ryo had stopped in mid air and was now just hovering in the air using his wings of course.

[Analyzing target]


[Target confirmed!]

[Flame Giant, Ifrit]

"oh, flame giant. Is he something like a lord of flames or something? if he is, then this might actually be a challenge." Ryo got his ear to ear smile back. He was longing to test his strength on someone.

[In this world she might be considered a lord of flames. Compared to all worlds, she can barely be considered a lord of flames. She has not awakened fire manipulation.] The system was back to it's normal tone of voice. /A/N: From what i gathered. Ifrit's gender changes depending on who it "lives" in.)

"Oh, so she is a weakling then? So disappointing! Let's go say hi to the "lord of flames" Ryo scoffed at Ifrit. If a normal person heard what he said, their heart would probably have skipped a beat.

On the ground below Ryo, a normal looking human woman was walking with a calm expression on her face. it's just that you couldn't see that expression because it was hidden with the use of a weird looking mask.

Shizue was walking on a small road in the forest and suddenly she stopped out of nowhere. Her instincts had just now, screamed at her to run and she instantly put a hand on her sheath as her eyes was constantly scanning the surroundings.

"Come out whoever you are. I know you're here somewhere. If you want to fight, then don't hide in the trees." Shizue tried to get a reaction from whoever was watching her. She had recognized immediately that running away would only lead to death. The being watching her was probably stronger then the demon lord she had vowed to kill, and the being locked inside her.

She would rather take this kind of opponent head on then waiting all day for them to ambush her.

¨That's some rather impressive sensory abilities you got there, girl. Now i know what i need to improve further on. But i indeed applaud you, because you are the first one to sense me when i was watching.

"Well, don't be surprised. I have a knack for sniffing out perverts." Shizue struck back with a ruthless comment.

"Wha.." Ryo, literally fell from the branch he was standing on when he heard her comment. He came crashing to the ground and was unable to move for a few seconds.

"So! Are you gonna tell me why you are stalking me here in the forest. I don't think we have met before." Shizue still had her hand on her sheath, not dropping her guard around Ryo even for a second.


"First of all! I am not stalking you. I was simply flying by peacefully until i was, erh, alerted by the weakling you have hiding inside you." Ryo was mad now, so he was not gonna go easy on her if they ended up fighting here.

"H-how d-do you kn-kn-know about that" Shizue spoke with a stutter. Clearly she was shocked that this stranger immediately sensed the being living inside her.

"Oh, please. Who would i be if i could not sense some weakling like that." Ryo spoke with a powerful tone, scaring the girl in the process.

[With hosts current sensory abilities, it is impossible for you to notice Ifrit living inside this human.]

"shh, Don't interrupt the flow of the conversation. She doesn't know that i can't sense that thing, now does she." Ryo rebuked the system, but he couldn't help but grow a little embarrassed from pretending. His nature as a dragon despised lying and claiming on false strengths. But since he said he sensed it living within her, he had to make up an excuse, because he would never in his life admit that he had a system like this.

"It seems now i really have to find some power of sorts that deal with sensing the surroundings. I can't have a situation like this happen again." Ryo decided to find an ability that deal with sensing surroundings and such.

(A/N: Foreshadowing, kinda obvious here guys. Sorry to interrupt, but i had to say it)

"Then you know what it is. I can't hold it in much longer because my life is running out. I sense that you are strong, maybe even strong enough to stop it when i can't anymore." Shizue started to relax. She knew she didn't have long, and she wanted someone who could carry out her mission after she was gone.

"oh, so your saying that you are dying?" Ryo instantly got uninterested in Shizue. He wanted a fight, but by the way she spoke, she couldn't satisfy him here.

"I feel death looming over me every second of the day now. I know it is close. Can i make a request to you, as a fellow warrior?" Shizue spoke in a friendly tone now.

"I never deny good people the chance to speak. Go on!" Ryo returned with a business kind of smile.

"Good people, huh.. I don't think i belong in that category." Shizue seemed lost in memories as she spoke. She got lost in her own head, and Ryo spoke to bring her back to reality.

"Ahm, about your request. It's okay to tell me what it is now. Although i think i know what it is already. Tell me if I'm wrong here, but it should be something along the lines of taking or killing Ifrit, correct?" Ryo put on the look of a wise and powerful old man that he saw from the old ogre he encountered earlier today.

"Ifrit. Yes, you are correct. Since you even know what fire spirit it is, can you accept my dying wish. it would be an honor for my last moments in this life to be watching someone like you fight." Shizue did a slight bow with her head.

"I can very easily deal with the monster sleeping within you. But from what i understand (system), the moment i take Ifrit and you relinquish control of you body, you will die. Are you sure you don't want to live a little longer. I am sure you have some time left until Ifrit wins the battle of control."

"I am sure. You are right that i can live longer, but for what? All my time now is spent suppressing Ifrit. I never know when i will lose control. Who knows how many will die if i allow Ifrit to take over in the middle of a village. I would rather die here today, and making sure that Ifrit is taken away by someone that is stronger then me and can handle him better." Shizue had no hesitation in her voice. It was clear that she had made her choice right this moment. Ryo found that he had developed great respect for this woman. She faced death without fear, and with strong resolution.

"What is your name? i will honor your request, but i will not kill someone like you without knowing your name." Ryo stood tall, displaying his aura as a conqueror and king.

"he he, my name is Shizue. An A class adventurer and it is an honor to stand here with you, facing my last moments in life. Let me hear your name, my last opponent." Resolution was all that came despite her voice being so weak.

"Ryo! My name is Ryo, and i hereby honor our deal and i accept the challenge issued Shizue. Let me feel the power of the flames of Ifrit.

"ha ha! I like you Ryo. Hope your ready, because here i come, and i won't hold back any longer." Shizue drew her sword and spoke.

"Fantastic, Shizue. Show me what worth an A ranked adventurer has. From this moment and until the moment i die, i will consider you, my friend. Now come! Let us finish this." Ryo spoke, and both of them dashed towards each other.