War #3 [Benimaru/Shuna]

Benimaru was surrounded by hundreds of orcs and he still had a calm look on his face. They were all walking towards Benimaru like zombies. The orcs looked completely dead as they were drooling fiercely as they stared at Benimaru.

No emotions could be seen in their eyes and they only repeated the word "food" as they walked closer and closer to the red haired ogre.

"Pathetic mindless fools. I can't believe this is what destroyed my village." Benimaru gritted his teeth and clenched his fist so hard that the nail penetrated his skin. His anger was rising so fast that he felt like his head would explode any second.

As the blood flowed down from his hand the orc got more agitated and started running instead of walking. They smelled the blood on Benimaru, and it most have smelled amazing because they were full on sprinting with open mouths and saliva going everywhere.

"Disgusting!" Benimaru noticed the change in behavior and got ready to attack. The wound on his hand had already healed and he produced a small dark red flame on his palm.

"This is the flame gifted to me by Lord Ryo. Let it cleanse the ugliness from your souls." Benimaru raised his hand into the air. He intended to finish them all in one move. From the small flame in his hand, escaped four smaller flames and they quickly flew up in different direction and hovered above him. One flame for, East, West, North and South. Benimaru's normal tone was clear and commanding in nature and when he used magic, that didn't change. [True Fire Tornado] Benimaru said commanded the four tiny flames hovering above him to move. Each flame flew forwards a little bit and started rotating very quickly.

" [Expand] Benimaru spoke another phrase out loud and the four flames stared to increase in size quickly. In only a few seconds four tornadoes came to life and started to move in their respective direction.

They moved slowly on Benimaru's command and they grew in size with every orc they swallowed. Screams of pain could be heard everywhere since the orcs couldn't help but scream out loud. True fire is not normal fire magic. It burn many times hotter then normal fire and Benimaru has not found anyone who can put it out. It is second only to Ryo's own Black Fire. At least that is what Ryo believes.

The tornadoes made their way across the entire battlefield spreading chaos everywhere. Ryo had a proud smile on his face, and the other Oni was looking at the hundred meters tall tornadoes in awe.

The tornadoes suddenly started shrinking and they quickly returned to their tiny forms and disappeared completely soon after that. Nobody knew where they had gone and Ryo looked over at Benimaru.

"N....Need b-better magic control still." Benimaru had to end the magic there since he was running out of fuel. He could have dealt with the orcs without using this much magic but he wanted to test where his true limit was.

"Brother are you okay?" Shuna came running up to Benimaru.

"ye, i am okay! Just a little tired." He was breathing roughly, but he was recovering quickly. An Oni's stamina is nothing to scuff at.

"Don't worry about it, brother. I will take care of the rest." Shuna looked at the orcs left around them. Only a few dozen orcs were still alive. One of black armored orcs was walking in their direction.

"Are you sure you can handle them, Shuna?" Benimaru also noted the orcs that were closing in on them.

"I am sure. Give me only a few minutes and i will clean up this area." Shuna stood in front of Benimaru, dressed as shrine maiden. She had a white shrine outfit on and from her shoulders hung a dark purple robe. ( Imagine One piece marines)

She was staring at the orc that was towering over he by several meters. In terms of size she was nothing compared to him, but didn't discourage her one bit.

She was charging up her magic and waiting for the orc to step into her range.

"Now" She said to herself and started casting her spells.

[Earth Magic: Walls of Stone]

She used her first magic to trap the giant orc inside four identical walls. The spell she used raised stone walls from the ground however she wanted, and she used them to trap the orc within a stone cage. She smiled at here success and continued quickly.

[Fire Magic: Pillar Of Flame]

She stretched both her arms up in the air and from underneath the orc rose a big pillar of flame that swallowed the entire orc. The flame pillar burned bright for a few seconds before dying down. The surroundings ones again got swallowed up by the darkness of the night. What was left inside the cage was just a corpse.

Shuna looked pleased at her success. It was her first time killing someone and she felt nothing but pride at the power she displayed.

A ways away, Hakurou stood and watched as Shuna disposed of the big orc in seconds. He too was proud of her actions. She was no longer defenseless. He would make sure that she grew into a powerful mage someday.

"Brother, let me kill the rest of them and then we will regroup with the others." Shuna turned around and told her brother. Benimaru had recovered by this point, but he decided to let her finish it. Since she wanted to take care of it, he wouldn't steal her moment.

There was maybe seventy orcs left around the two of them. Shuna knew how much magic she had left in her and she had only had a few spells she could use so far. She had talent for magic and she had quickly learnt a few spells from multiple elements. She had great potential.

With the source being Shuna, an incredible heat started spreading in the surrounding. Dark cloud started appearing above her and spreading a hundred meters or so in every direction. Shuna slammed her palms together and yelled,

[Fire Magic: Meteor Shower]

The dark clouds hovering above the area of Shuna started becoming red and more heat was added to the surroundings. A few seconds later the first flaming rock came rushing down towards the ground. Not even a second later, another one came down crashing. Soon the whole sky was filled with fiery rocks pummeling towards the ground and causing massive destruction everywhere around the oni siblings. The space around them was the only place that wasn't bombarded by flaming rocks.

Everywhere you look, you could see orcs getting smashed and their blood spraying in every direction. A weak willed person would definitely have emptied their stomach on the ground when looking at the river of blood around them.

"What do you think brother?" Shuna asked Benimaru. The last few rocks crashed down behind her, blowing strong wings their way.

"Impressive indeed. Is this your limit in terms of power?" He almost didn't want to imagine what could be more destructive then this.

"This is my strongest spell in fire magic, for now at least. My elements are still immature so i can still improve a lot." Shuna looked around and admired her handy work. Crushed bodies of orcs everywhere and even more blood on the ground.

"Well, i look forward to what you'll show us in the future." Benimaru gave her a dry laugh.

"Me too! Now let's go regroup with the others." Shuna enthusiastically grabbed her brothers hand and lead her away in the directions of the others.

