Mountain Castle

She felt a woosh of warm are and it felt like a bird picked her up. It took but a second and he was removing the blindfolded. There on top of the small mountain on a ledge she could see all of this side of the isle. 'How did she get here so fast. That would of taken a few hours climbing.

"Like the view acushla?" He asked.

"Yes, it's breathtaking. What does acushla mean you keep calling me that. "

"It's, Irish, a term of indearment meaning darling. Come join me in a meal. I have some robes you can change into to keep dry."He took her hand and led her into a big room.

Susan's eye went wide. Marble and glass everywhere. Slik curtains hung in doorways. This was one fine Cave. Build by a Billionaire she imagine. Fine art work hung and vases full of jewels and gold in piles. In the middle a large pile of gold rocks, coins, and jewelry lay like a nest of a large bird.

He leads her to a room filled with all kinds of ancient robs and dresses worth a small fortune. "Pick anything you like. Fresh water in the spring over there to wash up, or if you like there is a hot springs for a bath over there. Take your time. I will prepare some foods."

He left the room. A hot bath seem nice it took her no time to stripped and lowered her shelf in. It was warm but felt good. She stayed in about 30 minutes enjoying the warmth. She picked out a light rob dress that was easy to put on and found some sandals to fit her feet.

She opened the drapes to the first room to smell the most wonderful scent. There on a table were a few different fish dishes. She was not hungry until she took a whiff.

"Sit, eat as much as you like. Acushla, is there anything else you need?" His accent melted her mind.

"No, this looks great. " She sat waiting on him. "Are you not eating?"

He liked his fish raw just out of the ocean so he ate while gathering some for her. He also knew humans need seasoning on their cooked food and he did hold some spice he got in china many years ago.

"Just did, sorry I did not wait for you. I just need to prepare a room for you to rest in. Then we can sit and talk."

"Ok" She took a bite. This was real good. She dug in while he left behind another curtained room.

He was glad that his horde had furniture, he had gotten some from an old castle one year he was awake. He cleaned it up stuffed more fabrics in the mattress to make it soft. He hoped she would like it. Human like soft things. He preferred his gold nest.

When her returned, He placed some pillows against the walls. Come sit and talk.

"Thank you for the clothes and food it was very good." She said.

"Fa'ilte Susan, You have such a pretty name. Tell me of the world you come from." he wanted to just hear her voice.

"Fa'ilte?"His words were beautiful but she did not know what they mean.

"Your Welcome, now tell me please."

"Well, I live in Port City. My dad moved us here when I was four so its the only place I call home... Mom passed away when I was 5 so Dad raised me... I love to fly. First time was 14... Dad helped me get a pilots license when I turned 18... Got the Viking seaplane in a poker game a few years ago but was putting her up to sell because of Dad's medical bills... He passed away last month of cancer." She rattled off her story.

Many thing he did not know what she was talking about. What was cancer? Is Dad another word for father? What was poker? He had time to find out so he just listened.

"Your name is unusual. Does it have a meaning?" She asked.

Her question startled him as first. He smiled. "Yes acushla it does. My Mother named me Aillecht O'Murchadha meaning Beautiful Seabattler." "My father was proud of the name she picked. He gave me the nick name Ailill."

"Are you parents still around?" She asked.

"No my a'lainn, a bloody hell hound dragon slayer killed them both. I got away that night. Took me years to find this place and many more years to moving my hoard. I am the last of my kind as far as I know. You are the only person to ever set foot in my asthore*."His face went from infuriating to melancholy in a short span of time.

Her heartfelt his pain and sadness even if he was delusional.

"What do you mean last of your kind?" she had to ask.

"My sweet pixie, If you don't know, then I promise someday I will tell you." Its getting late you need to eat again. Please go rest while a prepare some more food." He held out her hand to help her up wand walked her to her room.

His hand were really warm. What's the saying her dad use to quote 'Cold hands warm heart ' so does warm hand mean cold hear?

She layed there with the musical accent of her host going through her mind. If he wasn't a loonie she could fall head over heals for him. The bed was lumpy but soft she almost fell asleep but soon he came back to get her for dinner.

Again he did not eat with her but did set and talked of things of no importance. He needed this, he did not realize how lonely he really was.

As she talk he watched her. Her curly's bounced as she talk. He loved how little is was compared to him. She was like a toy bear his mother had made him one year.

Her lips were just plump enough he bet if he kissed them they would be sweet. She was a woman not a girl and something in him ached.

He was just a child when forced to leave his mother so knew nothing of mating. Could he mate with a human? Until now he never had these thoughts but the dragon in him seemed restless. 'My Mate' it keeps repeating.

He remembers his father once saying that the dragon draiocht* was very old and when one dragons dies, it's draiocht would go into a life to be born again. so our dragon lived many lives and were wiser with each birth. He wished he had someone he could fine answer to his many question.

"A'lainn, may suaimhneas and sweet aisling fill your life tonight?" He said.

"What's that mean?" Her sweet brown eyes looking up at him.

"May you have peace and sweet dream." he kissed the top of her head and left.

Susan crawled into bed and fell fast a sleep.