"Mother, mother come quick, father need help. O'Brien is hurt and needs you" A boy with wild red locks runs into his family den. In human years he looks about 9 but in dragon he was 450 years old.
"What has the leprechaun done now. Seems he is always getting himself hurt" She wipes her hand and follows her son out the door.
They both ran down the path to the leprechaun meadow to find Ailill's father kneeling down next to a small man with a snow white beard. The man was bloody from head to toe.
"What happened to him this time Decimus?"
"Delphyne, he got into it with a badger, if the stoat* had not found me it would be to late."
She knelt down and cupped his face. She started to hum a soft melody then blew out a soft pink flame that covered O'Brien's body.
Aillecht love to watch his mother's healing powers he wished sometime he could be a dragon like her but his powers were in the water.
O'Brien coughed a few times than sat up. "Tell me the buggard is dead"
"Sorry mate, he got away and if not for your stoat I would of been puting you six feet under while the banshee would of called for your ride." Decimus slapped his friend on the back.
"You need to be more careful O'Brien please. One of these day my draiocht may not help you." Delphyne stated. "Come have supper with us."
"I have to get back to my people. but Thank you I will join you another time." with that he faded out of sight.
Aillecht took his mothers hand to walk home as his father followed behind.
Days and years followed with Aillecht father teaching him how to use his powers and his mother teaching him how to live. He loved his life.
Right before Aillecht turned 500 he was watching his mother and father chase each other around laughing then turn into their dragons and chased each other in the sky.
His mother Delphyne was a Blue and gold dragon who could heal almost anything with her fire. His father Decimus was a green and brown dragon, he could track anything on the ground or in the sky.
"Mother when can I get a mate?" Ailill asked.
"Most young dragon don't even think about a mate till about age 2000. However I pray the you find your true mate. "
"What's a true mate?"
"When dragons were born in the beginning of time before they joined with shifters they were created with one mate just for them. Sometimes they find them easy, but most surch for years for them. You father and I are true mates. We belong together." Ailill listened very carefully to his mother.
"I want a true mate. How can I find one. I have never even seen other dragon. "
" This is true, I don't know if there are any more." She was afraid he would never find love at all. Dragons were being hunted all over and the life of dragons were not being born.
"Decimus, It's time to teach him about slayers."
"Yes, it is time. Come son we need to talk." Ailill walked over to his father and was placed on his lap."
"As you know our home is protected by leprechaun and fairy draiocht but it is growing weak. There is a shifter with no dragon who was jealous of the dragon. A great evil magician help him make a weapon that not only kills the shifter but the dragon in side."
"I need to teach you what to do if the slayer come and you have to get away with out your mother or I."
"But father why, you are the strongest Dragon I know" Ailill was confused.
"The weapon is stronger then the dragon"
Over the next few years Ailill trained on flighting, swimming, cooking, and gathering horde. His father took him to an isle with some of the family horde. He showed him how to put spells out for hidding this world from others.
Ailill learned everything he could. He thought her was ready for the slayer.
Delphyne also taught Ailill about manors and taking care of him and a mate. During one of her lessons she felt sick.
"Aillecht, please tell you father I need to see the fairy Rose."
"Yes Mother" Ailill ran to see his father.
It took some time to track the fairy but after a quick look she said" Nothing bad Delphyne you are just with child. A dragon child. "
It was very uncommon for a dragon to have two children and both be dragon. She was blessed.
She spent her days getting ready to nest while still teaching him to help himself.
Then not to long after Ailill had his 500th birthday a loud cry was heard. Decimus ran out to see what was going on, he was only gone a moment when her ran back in. "Aillecht, remember what you learned, Dragon inside my son please watch over him. Keep both your self alive. Now go Ailill fly to the isle now."
" No father let me help?" Ailill pleaded.
"You made me a premise to always stay safe. You know the way now go." With that word promise he took to the sky. Three days later his dragon would not let him shifter but instead made him fall into a deep dreamless sleep.
When Ailill woke up he was now a young man. He was not sure how old he was now but guessed by his reflection in the lagoon to be about 2000.
He flew back home to find out information on his parents. They were not in their home. The horde was still there.
He went looking for his fathers leprechaun friend. It took some time to find O'Brien.
"Uncle do you know what happened to Mother and Father?"
"Sorry buachaill*, Come with me" O'Brien led the young man to two graves.
"The slayer got them. I had my people bury them hear."
Ailill spent a few days crying for his loss, then gathered his family's horde like his father taught him. It took three trips to move it all. When he was through his dragon put him back to sleep.
Every few thousand years Ailill woke up and looked around the world and gathered more horde then went back to sleep.
This had become his life. In all this time he never found another dragon or heard of a slayer still out there. He never considered him self lonely till a flying plane blew up.