Chapter 2

Yang Chen started his training strongly. He will do all kind of exercises.

His daily schedule was 200 push-ups, 200 squats and running for 30 km each day. Followed by the breathing exercise.

Each day, Every single cell in Yang Chen body will scream in pain as he made his body reach the absolute limits. And when he feels that he reached his body's limit, Yang Chen will set down and started the breathing exercise while trying to form and control internal Qi inside his body.

After 5 months of intense exercises, Yang Chen Looked at his status window.

Name: Yang Chen

Race: Human

Class: None

Age: 17-year-old

Level: 1

HP: 80/80


Strength -----> 6

Vitality-----> 5

Agility -----> 5

Intelligence -----> 3


Skill info:


Yang Chen looked at his stats and saw that except intelligence, every state increased.

Even though he didn't level up, the increase in his stats was enough to make Yang Chen satisfied by his progress.

"After five months, i became stronger than most people at level 1! And once i unlock the Internal Qi master class, my stats will show a massive leap" said Yang Chen.

He looked at the sky and thought " The Red Moon Apocalypse will start tonight!".

He stood up after resting for an hour and continued his training.

Yang Chen didn't finish his training until it was 11:30 PM. When he came back to the house, he found his mother and father looking at him sternly.

"Yang Chen, we want to talk to you!" Said Yang Chen's mother.

Yang Chen smiled bitterly as he knew that his mother and father will mostly scold him for his bad grades in school and coming late to house each day.

"Yang Chen, Your teacher called and told us how your grades started to fall! Also, how you sleep every day in the class! I trusted you so didn't talk about it but your grades continued to get lower with each test!" Said Yang Chen's father angrily.

Yang Chen's lips twitched as he thought to himself, "School is quite useless when the apocalypse happen. Also, i didn't sleep in the class! I was doing breathing exercise!".

"Yang Chen, tell me! What is your excuse?!" Asked Yang Chen's father.

"Father, I..."

"Shut up! Did i allow you to talk?!" Roared Yang Chen's father.

Yang Chen became speechless.

"Calm down, he must have a reason for doing this!" Yang Chen's mother started to calm father.

"What if he started going out with bad people?! What if he started taking drugs with them?!" Said Yang Chen's Father.

Yang Chen mother's body stiffened. She looked at Yang Chen.

Yang Chen smiled bitterly and said " Dad, Mom, i spend most of the days training! I didn't do anything wrong!".

Yang Chen father's eyes shone with dangerous light as his hand slowly moved to his leather belt.

Yang Chen started sweating as he bowed and said " I promise you that i will raise my grades! Just give me a chance to do so!".

"Yang Chen, Your next test will be after one week! If you didn't achieve a good grade then i will make sure that you will regret it!" Said Yang Chen's father.

Yang Chen nodded and said "Dad, Thank you for trusting me! I won't disappoint you!" After that, Yang Chen escaped to his room.

Yang Chen's father laid on the sofa powerlessly and sighed. While Yang Chen mother started to calm him down.

Yang Chen sat on his chair in front of the window and looked at the moon.

Minutes passed slowly and Yang Chen Looked at his watch.

11:59 PM

"One minute remaining" said Yang Chen.




Yang Chen's eyes turned sharp as he saw the moon colour changing to red.

The Red colour gave the moon a sinister feeling that made Yang Chen's hair stand up.

"Something is wrong!!! The Red colour is deeper than usual!!" Said Yang Chen.

He rushed out of his room and saw that his father and mother were still awake.

"Yang Chen, you should be sleep by now!" Said Yang Chen's father.

Yang Chen acted as he didn't hear his father and stormed out of the house.

His father and mother saw that something weird is happing with their son but their eyes widened by the sudden appearance of the System Window.

"Oh my god!"

"Husband, do you see it?!"

They became scared of the appearance of the system window.

Yang Chen left the house and looked around.

The Red Moon give a sinister vibe that he didn't feel the first time he saw it.

Suddenly, he saw red light gather and formed a figure. Yang Chen's pupils dilated as he saw the figure walk out of the Red Light.

It was an Orc!

"Impossible! Orcs didn't appear this early! They appeared four months after the beasts!" Exclaimed Yang Chen.

He used the system to show the information of the orc.


Monster type: Orc Warrior

Level: 1

HP: 120/120

MP: 05/05

Strength -----> 9

Vitality-----> 9

Agility -----> 4

Intelligence -----> 1

Skill info:



Yang Chen father and mother followed Yang Chen outside the house, and when they saw the Orc, their faces turned pale and felt weak in their body.

They can't be blamed for it as the Orc give a terrifying aura that caused their souls to shake.

Yang Chen's face fell when he saw his mother and father. The Orc looked at Yang Chen's mother and licked his lips.

"Go inside the house right now!" Roared Yang Chen as he rushed toward the Orc.

The Orc roared and grabbed the axe in his back and swing it at Yang Chen.

Yang Chen avoided the axe due to his agility being higher than the Orc and his intense training in the past 5 months.

He punched toward the Orc's head as it the weakest part in his body.


Even though Yang Chen fist is fast, it didn't cause any significant damage to the Orc as his skin is too thick.

Yang Chen looked at the Orc's HP and his face turned grim.


Monster Type: Orc warrior

HP: 115/120.


Yang Chen looked at the Orc with sharp eyes. He didn't feel any fear or pressure from the Orc.

The Ocr touched his face and looked at Yang Chen with killing intent.

He used his two hands to grab The axe and started to attack Yang Chen.

Yang Chen dodged the Orc's attacks and counterattacked him after each swing.




Yang Chen jumped over a low sweep and kicked the Orc's face which he used to propel himself backwards and widen the distance between him and the Orc.

Yang Chen was sweating and he looked at the Orc's HP.


HP: 65/120


"I attacked him with all i got but i only decreased his HP by 50 points!" Said Yang Chen.

"This is bad! I can't waste time on this Orc! Other Orcs will come here because of my fight with the Orc. Once this happens, Mom and Dad will be in danger".

He looked at the House and found that his father and mother didn't enter the house. They looked at Yang Chen with a daze.

" Dad, go to the house and bring a weapon for me!" Said Yang Chen.

Yang Chen's Father snapped out of his daze and dragged mother to the House.

The Orc roared angrily and ran toward them.

"Where the fuck you are going?!" How could Yang Chen allow the Orc to reach his father and mother.

He attacked the Orc without mercy. Each attack targeted the Orc's vital points.

Yang Chen's father entered the kitchen and grabbed the best Kitchen knife and rushed out of the house.

"Throw it to me!" Said Yang Chen.

Yang Chen's father hesitated for a few seconds before throwing it to Yang Chen.

Yang Chen dodged the Orc attack and grabbed the knife easily.

"Equip weapon" said Yang Chen.



Kitchen knife

Rarity: Common, Low grade.

Attack power: 5


Yang Chen looked at the Orc and smiled.

The Orc felt a sense of danger coming from Yang Chen after equipping the knife.

Yang Chen dashed toward the Orc. The Orc Slashed with the Axe vertically as he wanted to cut Yang Chen into two halves.

Yang Chen's eyes shone with light as he sidestepped to the left. He slashed with the knife toward the Orce's neck. The Knife made a beautiful arc as it stabbed the Orce in his neck.



Critical Strike

The Orc screamed in pain which made Yang Chen push the knife deeply into its neck.

The Orc's body stiffened before it fell down as it has taken it last breath



You have slain a level 1 Orc warrior


Yang Chen sighed in relief as he heard the system notification.



Congratulation for 'Yang Chen' for being the first human to slay a monster.

You will be rewarded.




You have received a reward.

Do you want to open it Now? (Y/N)
