The Invisible Sword

3 times a month, 27 times in nine months.

Shen Zhenyi had faced 27 different batches of assassins since he started living in seclusion. Every new batch of assassins was stronger than the last. Ten days ago, the man who tried to murder Zhenyi was already a top-notch master. This man had trained hard for at least 30 years. He could use his hands to split open stone tablets and was by no means an unknown person.

The identity of the assassin wasn't too hard to find out, but it wasn't worth Shen Zhenyi's time and effort to understand.

The fact that Shen Zhenyi was still sitting there meant that all of the killers had already fallen into the sea from the cliff behind him, dead.

But the initial question still wasn't answered.

Shen Zhenyi seemed to say to himself, "I can see from his swordsmanship that he has already reached the third realm of mercy and killing. At his age, even the seventh realm Zen Master wasn't his level. As long as his temperament is restrained and he works hard for ten years, he could compete with all the heroes in the world.

"If you turn around and leave now, I can pretend you haven't been here."

Shen Zhenyi paused for a moment and sincerely advised, "You are not yet thirty years old, a very young age for cultivators. It would be a pity for you to die here."

There was a silent tremor in the darkness, and the persistent assassin could no longer keep calm.

Every word Shen Zhenyi said was right.

Although he was talented, his martial arts level, his age, and even his identity meant nothing in front Shen Zhenyi.

The assassin had goosebumps all over his body and felt as if he was exposed to the sun which saw through all of his secrets.

Beast-like intuition told him that he should follow Shen Zhenyi's advice and immediately turn around and escape, far away from the horrible existence in front of him, and never set foot in the Abandoned Sword Villa again. But reason told him that no matter how strong Shen Zhenyi was, it was all in the past. A person whose meridians were broken and couldn't use Zhen Qi no longer had brilliant swordsmanship.

This was a good chance that would never come again!

The assassin's ambition burned wildly, and the burning pain from his soul made him unable to wait any longer. With a loud roar, he flew out of his hiding place and, with all his strength, stabbed Shen Zhenyi in the chest with a sword.

This was the assassin's strongest move.

Even a mountain peak would be split by the sword that had been unleashed!

Shen Zhenyi didn't avoid it and had no intention of doing so. On the contrary, he did something the elders often pointed out the younger generation: "You have the charm of turning virtual into real and plausible, but your killing intent is still too heavy. It should be noted that the purpose of the sword of mercy is to kill without intention. Although it is necessary to kill people, it is also necessary to always kill in a state where others can't sense your killing intent."

The assassin couldn't hear anything. He could only see his tip of the sword approaching three feet away from his target. As long as his sword was successful, he could replace Shen Zhenyi as a living legend.

At this moment, he was blinded due to his ambition, thinking only of the glory he deserved after the event.

However, the next second, a strange look appeared on the assassin's face.

He saw his sword begin to decompose, fragile as dead leaves ground into dust.

This was a stunning spectacle.

With the assassin's momentum, the steel sword was like a piece of tender tofu, evenly cut by something invisible yet sharp. The cut was smooth as a mirror, and the blade shuddered like an ugly snake twisting and swinging.

From the tip of the sword to the ridge of the sword, then to the handle, then to the palm, wrist, arm, and even the body.

In the wind, the assassin's body cracked. Surprisingly, not a single drop of Shen Zhenyi's blood had been spilled. The remnants of the assassin's body had been castrated and flew off the side of the cliff.

It took a long time for two consecutive thumping sounds to come.

Then a splash.

The body fell into the deep sea.

Shen Zhenyi frowned slightly. He bowed his head and dusted his clothes, brushing away the spring dust staining his clothes. From beginning to end, he didn't make any extra movements.

The young assassin was dead, and he never even got to know how he had died.

For a long time, Shen Zhenyi just picked up the cup and smelled it. He then put it down.

"It's a pity that it has the fragrance of blood now."

"I'll have to drink tea again later."

He spoke with a slight regret and pushed his wheelchair down the hill.

Shen Zhenyi usually lived in the ivory white tower in the back hill. He went back to the tower along the winding mountain road. The two copper doors at the bottom of the tower shut silently. The dark clouds concealed the moonlight, and the White Pagoda of Abandoned Sword Villa, a symbol of light, became obscure as if dissolving in the deep night.

All was quiet.

Death didn't affect the weather.

The next day was an ordinary sunny day. The rising sun gave the White Pagoda a golden glow.

Shen Zhenyi arrived at the top of the mountain early in the morning. He ate good food and nourished his essence. Of course, in the eyes of many people, he was just a fallen teenage genius, dazed and lonely.

At the highest point of the hill, an iron sword was inserted into a hard blue stone. Shen Zhenyi once relied on this sword and his skill to overwhelm the world. It was larger than an ordinary sword. Now, it stood there, untouched.

Because of the heavy humidity in the mountains, the sword had dark brown rust stains, no longer gleaming with luster. The hilt was originally bright red, but it had faded to yellow after being damaged by the sunshine and rain.

Nine months ago, Shen Zhenyi inserted this sword deeply into the slate, wrote the words "Sword Grave" in calligraphy, and dragged his disabled body into seclusion.

People at Abandoned Sword Villa were puzzled, and his father and brother had asked him in a roundabout way. To this Shen just laughed and did not answer.

Every morning, Shen Zhenyi would humbly sweep the sword grave after watching the sunrise.

Today, of course, was no exception.

Shen Zhenyi burned two stacks of paper money and sprinkled a glass of water and wine, staring at the tomb for a long time.

As he looked up, he noticed a slight shaking in the grass to the side.

Shen Zhenyi half-closed his eyes, carelessly said: "The White Pagoda is a forbidden place in the Abandoned Sword Villa, and intruders will be fined. Why does Miss Chu always commit this crime knowingly?

His voice wasn't very loud, but it was enough to be heard by the figure hiding in the grass. A rustle sounded, and a 14 to 15 year-old girl dressed in red emerged, her head was still covered with dried grass.

The girl in red looked a little embarrassed and tried to show indifference. Her black and white eyes looked around, and she could not help asking, "How did you know I was here?"

Shen Zhenyi looked at her and said idly, "If I were you, I would never hide in that unlucky place."

Last night's killer was hiding in exactly the same place as Miss Chu.

His body was now fish food at the bottom of the cliff.