Cats and Dogs

It's raining cats and dogs outside and Marguerite has to go to university. She encounters Chad on her way out and is in a bad mood the whole morning.

Holding an umbrella in her frozen hand, she goes through a narrow, empty alleyway and quickens her steps from paranoia.

A small shape interrupts her in her path and sits under the rain to look at her.

Marguerite quickly recognizes it as the cat that's the talk of the whole internet community. It has white tips and a blue coat. Its tail whips the water back and forth and its silver eyes are staring at the human before him intensely. Marguerite starts to freak out and the animal in front of her senses it.

The cat slowly approaches her, as if not to scare her away. Maintaining eye contact, Marguerite doesn't budge, she can't. Her mind starts to wonder on the wet cat's fur. Why doesn't it look drenched at all? It's flowing and bouncing as if it is water itself.

Suddenly, a small boy's voice makes itself heard in the narrow space: "I found someone suitable"

The cat's mouth doesn't move which confuses Marguerite at first. But quickly she understands that the voice represents the cat's thoughts. She gets even more frightened at the words, however. This is not how the thread explained it. He was supposed to say: Not good enough. Everyone experienced it the same way, so why is it different for me?

She suddenly remembers the scary comments about aliens and human experimentation. Scaring herself enough to want to leave immediately. But instead of leaving, she crouches down to the cat's level. Not understanding what is happening to her, she starts to cry. The cat doesn't care as he has done this countless times already. As long as he gets this girl to the other side, his job would be done here.

He stretches his paw and touches the girl's forehead. After a while, a glow starts to appear on the skin. It suddenly brightens and spreads to the entire girl's body until she becomes a huge light bulb, then disappears entirely. The cat contentedly nods and turns around. The rain pouring down on him erases him slowly as he walks, until he disappears as well.