I love you (music)

The exams begin.

Everyone is doing their best to make an impression. Dancing with shiny costumes and grandiose decorations, orchestras and difficult opera pieces, acrobatics and circuses with lions and fire rings, feathers, more feathers, so many feathers. She sneezed once and the performer looked at her like she murdered her puppy as she watched.

Marguerite has no interest in becoming queen, she just wants to go back to the status of concubine so that she stops being bullied and oppressed. Therefore she has prepared a simple song. She doesn't want to dance today, she doesn't want to excite the crowd and jump around. She feels that she has nothing to prove. Tired... she's tired.

She lets her fingers dance on the piano tiles to devise a simple melody. She doesn't use a Rriil, choosing to opt-out of using the violins that normally accompany this song.

Sympathy, tenderness,