The start of a relationship part 2

"Indeed. I came in this establishment without any disguise, simply waltzing into this illegal network in broad daylight without as much as a mask covering my face. I must seem quite confident to you."

The man is shaken. His eyes widen in realization. The queen came here without a care for anything. This may mean that she isn't here in secret... Could she have backing? The king maybe? But the king has his own guild, why would he send her here?

"What is your name?"

The man is taken by surprise at the sudden shift in topic. Normally he would never answer truthfully to these sorts of questions, but since he is trying to strike a deal, he doesn't mind making a few harmless sacrifices.

"Big foot."

Marguerite is a bit startled at the unconventional name. Is he lying to her? Maybe he doesn't want to disclose his personal information. As expected of the top guild of the underworld.